Leadtools Namespace : RasterKnownColor Enumeration |
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum RasterKnownColor : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
'Declaration <CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> Public Enum RasterKnownColor Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
'Usage Dim instance As RasterKnownColor
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum RasterKnownColor : System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor = function() { }; Leadtools.RasterKnownColor.prototype = {
ButtonText = 0xff000000, Background = 0xff000000, InfoText = 0xff000000, CaptionText = 0xff000000, Black = 0xff000000, MenuText = 0xff000000, WindowText = 0xff000000, Navy = 0xff000080, DarkBlue = 0xff00008b, MediumBlue = 0xff0000cd, Blue = 0xff0000ff, DarkGreen = 0xff006400, Green = 0xff008000, Teal = 0xff008080, DarkCyan = 0xff008b8b, DeepSkyBlue = 0xff00bfff, DarkTurquoise = 0xff00ced1, MediumSpringGreen = 0xff00fa9a, Lime = 0xff00ff00, SpringGreen = 0xff00ff7f, Cyan = 0xff00ffff, Aqua = 0xff00ffff, MidnightBlue = 0xff191970, DodgerBlue = 0xff1e90ff, LightSeaGreen = 0xff20b2aa, ForestGreen = 0xff228b22, SeaGreen = 0xff2e8b57, DarkSlateGray = 0xff2f4f4f, LimeGreen = 0xff32cd32, Highlight = 0xff3399ff, MediumSeaGreen = 0xff3cb371, Turquoise = 0xff40e0d0, RoyalBlue = 0xff4169e1, InactiveCaptionText = 0xff434e54, SteelBlue = 0xff4682b4, DarkSlateBlue = 0xff483d8b, MediumTurquoise = 0xff48d1cc, Indigo = 0xff4b0082, DarkOliveGreen = 0xff556b2f, CadetBlue = 0xff5f9ea0, WindowFrame = 0xff646464, CornflowerBlue = 0xff6495ed, MediumAquamarine = 0xff66cdaa, DimGray = 0xff696969, ThreeDDarkShadow = 0xff696969, SlateBlue = 0xff6a5acd, OliveDrab = 0xff6b8e23, GrayText = 0xff6d6d6d, SlateGray = 0xff708090, LightSlateGray = 0xff778899, MediumSlateBlue = 0xff7b68ee, LawnGreen = 0xff7cfc00, Chartreuse = 0xff7fff00, Aquamarine = 0xff7fffd4, Maroon = 0xff800000, Purple = 0xff800080, Olive = 0xff808000, Gray = 0xff808080, SkyBlue = 0xff87ceeb, LightSkyBlue = 0xff87cefa, BlueViolet = 0xff8a2be2, DarkRed = 0xff8b0000, DarkMagenta = 0xff8b008b, SaddleBrown = 0xff8b4513, DarkSeaGreen = 0xff8fbc8f, LightGreen = 0xff90ee90, MediumPurple = 0xff9370db, DarkViolet = 0xff9400d3, PaleGreen = 0xff98fb98, DarkOrchid = 0xff9932cc, ActiveCaption = 0xff99b4d1, YellowGreen = 0xff9acd32, Sienna = 0xffa0522d, ButtonShadow = 0xffa0a0a0, Brown = 0xffa52a2a, DarkGray = 0xffa9a9a9, AppWorkspace = 0xffababab, LightBlue = 0xffadd8e6, GreenYellow = 0xffadff2f, PaleTurquoise = 0xffafeeee, LightSteelBlue = 0xffb0c4de, PowderBlue = 0xffb0e0e6, Firebrick = 0xffb22222, ActiveBorder = 0xffb4b4b4, DarkGoldenrod = 0xffb8860b, MediumOrchid = 0xffba55d3, RosyBrown = 0xffbc8f8f, DarkKhaki = 0xffbdb76b, InactiveCaption = 0xffbfcddb, Silver = 0xffc0c0c0, MediumVioletRed = 0xffc71585, Scrollbar = 0xffc8c8c8, IndianRed = 0xffcd5c5c, Peru = 0xffcd853f, Chocolate = 0xffd2691e, Tan = 0xffd2b48c, LightGray = 0xffd3d3d3, Thistle = 0xffd8bfd8, Orchid = 0xffda70d6, Goldenrod = 0xffdaa520, PaleVioletRed = 0xffdb7093, Crimson = 0xffdc143c, Gainsboro = 0xffdcdcdc, Plum = 0xffdda0dd, BurlyWood = 0xffdeb887, LightCyan = 0xffe0ffff, ThreeDHighlight = 0xffe3e3e3, Lavender = 0xffe6e6fa, DarkSalmon = 0xffe9967a, Violet = 0xffee82ee, PaleGoldenrod = 0xffeee8aa, LightCoral = 0xfff08080, Khaki = 0xfff0e68c, ButtonFace = 0xfff0f0f0, Window = 0xfff0f0f0, Menu = 0xfff0f0f0, ThreeDFace = 0xfff0f0f0, AliceBlue = 0xfff0f8ff, Honeydew = 0xfff0fff0, Azure = 0xfff0ffff, SandyBrown = 0xfff4a460, InactiveBorder = 0xfff4f7fc, Wheat = 0xfff5deb3, Beige = 0xfff5f5dc, WhiteSmoke = 0xfff5f5f5, MintCream = 0xfff5fffa, GhostWhite = 0xfff8f8ff, Salmon = 0xfffa8072, AntiqueWhite = 0xfffaebd7, Linen = 0xfffaf0e6, LightGoldenrodYellow = 0xfffafad2, OldLace = 0xfffdf5e6, Red = 0xffff0000, Magenta = 0xffff00ff, Fuchsia = 0xffff00ff, DeepPink = 0xffff1493, OrangeRed = 0xffff4500, Tomato = 0xffff6347, HotPink = 0xffff69b4, Coral = 0xffff7f50, DarkOrange = 0xffff8c00, LightSalmon = 0xffffa07a, Orange = 0xffffa500, LightPink = 0xffffb6c1, Pink = 0xffffc0cb, Gold = 0xffffd700, PeachPuff = 0xffffdab9, NavajoWhite = 0xffffdead, Moccasin = 0xffffe4b5, Bisque = 0xffffe4c4, MistyRose = 0xffffe4e1, BlanchedAlmond = 0xffffebcd, PapayaWhip = 0xffffefd5, LavenderBlush = 0xfffff0f5, SeaShell = 0xfffff5ee, Cornsilk = 0xfffff8dc, LemonChiffon = 0xfffffacd, FloralWhite = 0xfffffaf0, Snow = 0xfffffafa, Yellow = 0xffffff00, LightYellow = 0xffffffe0, InfoBackground = 0xffffffe1, Ivory = 0xfffffff0, ThreeDLightShadow = 0xffffffff, ButtonHighlight = 0xffffffff, White = 0xffffffff, HighlightText = 0xffffffff, UnknownColor = 0x00000001, Transparent = 0x00FFFFFF, };
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum class RasterKnownColor : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
You can use the RasterKnownColor enumeration to construct RasterColor objects from colors known by name.