LEADTOOLS Multimedia (Leadtools.MediaFoundation assembly)

Processors Class

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Contains a collection of processing transforms.
Object Model
The Processors object contains a collection of processing transforms. The CaptureCtrl, ConvertCtrl, and PlayCtrl objects use the collection to enumerate and select processors. A Processors object is not externally creatable and is only obtained through the parent object. The parent object's AudioProcessors and VideoProcessors properties access collection objects that represent the available processing transforms. These collections are built automatically. The parent object's SelectedAudioProcessors and SelectedVideoProcessors properties access collection objects that represent the list of selected processors. The user builds these collections.

Target Platforms

See Also


Processors Members
Leadtools.MediaFoundation Namespace
AudioProcessors Property
VideoProcessors Property
SelectedAudioProcessors Property
SelectedVideoProcessors Property
AudioProcessors Property
VideoProcessors Property
SelectedAudioProcessors Property
SelectedVideoProcessors Property
AudioProcessors Property
VideoProcessors Property
SelectedAudioProcessors Property
SelectedVideoProcessors Property



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Leadtools.MediaFoundation requires a Multimedia or Multimedia Suite license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features