LEADTOOLS Image Processing (Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects assembly)

PixelateCommandFlags Enumeration

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Enumerated values that indicate the values used to fill the cells, the shape of the cells, and what type of data is in the CellWidth and CellHeight properties of PixelateCommand class or the cellWidth and cellHeight parameters of the Constructor of the PixelateCommand class .
Public Enum PixelateCommandFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As PixelateCommandFlags
public enum PixelateCommandFlags : System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  


Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects.PixelateCommandFlags = function() { };
Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects.PixelateCommandFlags.prototype = {
Maximum = 0x00000000, Minimum = 0x00000001, Average = 0x00000002, Rectangle = 0x00000010, Radial = 0x00000020, WidthFrequency = 0x00000100, WidthPeriod = 0x00000200, HeightFrequency = 0x00000400, HeightPeriod = 0x00000800, };
public enum class PixelateCommandFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000000MaximumFill the cell with its maximum pixel value.
0x00000001MinimumFill the cell with its minimum pixel value.
0x00000002AverageFill the cell with its average pixel value.
0x00000010RectangleDivide the image into rectangular cells. If this flag used, the CellWidth property of the PixelateCommand class or the cellWidth parameter of the PixelateCommand Constructor contains the cell width in pixels or the number of cells across the width of the image. Thr CellHeight property of PixelateCommand class or the celHeight parameter of the PixelateCommand Constructor contains the cell height in pixels or the number of cells across the height of the image.
0x00000020RadialDivide the image into circular cells, centered around the center point. If this flag is used, the CellWidth property of the PixelateCommand class (or the cellWidth parameter of the Constructor) contains the angular component of the cell, and the CellHeight property of the PixelateCommand class (or the cellHeight parameter of the Constructor) contains the radial component of the cell. Please note that the Radial flag must be OR-ed with the WidthPeriod flag or the WidthFrequency flag.
0x00000100WidthFrequencyIndicates the number of cells along the width of the image if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of cells present around the center of the circle.
0x00000200WidthPeriodIndicates the width, in pixels of a cell, if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of degrees in each cell around the center point.
0x00000400HeightFrequencyIndicates the number of cells along the height of the image if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the number of cells present along the radius of the circle.
0x00000800HeightPeriodIndicates the height, in pixels of a cell, if rectangular cells are used. If circular cells are used, this indicates the radial length of each cell along the radius.
You can use a bitwise OR (|) to specify one flag from each group.
Group Flags
Cell Values Maximum, Minimum, Average
Cell Shapes Rectangle, Radial
Type of cell width and cell height data used WidthFrequency, WidthPeriod, HeightFrequency, HeightPeriod
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects Namespace



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