LEADTOOLS Screen Capture (Leadtools.ScreenCapture assembly)

ShowCaptureAreaOptionsDialog Method

Show in webframe

Handle to the owner window.
Flags that determine the options dialog. For possible values refer to ScreenCaptureDialogFlags.
A ScreenCaptureAreaOptions structure to be filled with the data from the dialog.
If true, the dialog will start with default values. Otherwise the dialog will use the values specified by the captureAreaOptions structure. These values must be valid values or the dialog will return an error code.
A delegate method that will handle the event.
Displays a dialog, and fills a ScreenCaptureAreaOptions structure.
Public Function ShowCaptureAreaOptionsDialog( _
   ByVal owner As IWin32Window, _
   ByVal flags As ScreenCaptureDialogFlags, _
   ByVal captureAreaOptions As ScreenCaptureAreaOptions, _
   ByVal useDefault As Boolean, _
   ByVal helpCallback As ScreenCaptureHelpCallback _
) As ScreenCaptureAreaOptions
Dim instance As ScreenCaptureEngine
Dim owner As IWin32Window
Dim flags As ScreenCaptureDialogFlags
Dim captureAreaOptions As ScreenCaptureAreaOptions
Dim useDefault As Boolean
Dim helpCallback As ScreenCaptureHelpCallback
Dim value As ScreenCaptureAreaOptions
value = instance.ShowCaptureAreaOptionsDialog(owner, flags, captureAreaOptions, useDefault, helpCallback)




Handle to the owner window.
Flags that determine the options dialog. For possible values refer to ScreenCaptureDialogFlags.
A ScreenCaptureAreaOptions structure to be filled with the data from the dialog.
If true, the dialog will start with default values. Otherwise the dialog will use the values specified by the captureAreaOptions structure. These values must be valid values or the dialog will return an error code.
A delegate method that will handle the event.

Return Value

Returns the value of the dialog box that specifies the identifiers.
For an example, refer to ScreenCaptureEngine.

Target Platforms

See Also


ScreenCaptureEngine Class
ScreenCaptureEngine Members
Implementing Screen Capture
CaptureOptions Property
ShowCaptureOptionsDialog Method
ShowCaptureObjectOptionsDialog Method
DefaultCaptureAreaOptions Property
DefaultCaptureObjectOptions Property
ScreenCaptureOptions Structure
ScreenCaptureAreaOptions Structure
ScreenCaptureObjectOptions Structure
ScreenCaptureInformation Class



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