Leadtools.Annotations has been DEPRECATED. Use Leadtools.Annotations.Core instead. For more information, refer to http://www.leadtools.com/corporate/new-in-v18.htm.
The following members have been added to existing types in v17.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.OnBeginEditText | Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.OnEndEditText | Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.Edit event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText | Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner begins editing the text of an AnnTextObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.EndEditText | Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner ends editing the text of an AnnTextObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.OnBeginEditText | Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.OnEndEditText | Raises the Leadtools.Annotations.AnnTextEditDesigner.EndEditText event. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.BeginEditText | Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner begins editing the text of an AnnTextObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRichTextEditDesigner.EndEditText | Occurs when the AnnTextEditDesigner ends editing the text of an AnnTextObject. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnProtractorObject.RestrictAngle | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject.RestrictAngle | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnProtractorObject.RestrictAngle | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnDrawDesigner.UseNewMultilineBehavior | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to cancel the drawing of a multi-point object if the mouse cursor was clicked and released in the same position. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPolyRulerObject.GetPolyRulerLength(Leadtools.RasterCollection{Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPoint},Leadtools.Annotations.AnnUnit,Leadtools.Annotations.AnnUnitConverter) | Helper method to get the total length of a poly ruler. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.UseNewMultilineBehavior | Gets or sets a value that indicate whether to cancel the drawing of a multi-point object if the mouse cursor was clicked and released in the same position. |
Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnRulerObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this Leadtools.Annotations.IAnnRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnPolyRulerObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnPolyRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this Leadtools.Annotations.AnnGroupObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnRulerObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnRulerObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnProtractorObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnProtractorObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnCrossProductObject.RestrictLength | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnCrossProductObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container. |
Version 17 has not changed from Version 16.5. For more information, refer to http://www.leadtools.com/corporate/new-in-v17.htm.
The following members have been added to existing types in v16.5:
Member | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertObjectToLogicalPoints | Converts an array of points from object to logical coordinates. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertObjectToLogicalRectangle | Converts a rectangle from object to logical coordinates. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertLogicalToObjectPoints | Converts an array of points from logical to object coordinates. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnObject.ConvertLogicalToObjectRectangle | Converts a rectangle from logical to object coordinates. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnEditDesigner.MoveObjectWithName | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to move the object when the name moves. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnContainer.Draw(Graphics, Rectangle) | Draws the container on the specified surface. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.MoveObjectWithName | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to move the object when the name moves. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.AttachViewer(Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer) | Attaches this AnnAutomation object with a RasterImageViewer object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.AttachViewer(Leadtools.WinForms.RasterImageViewer) | Detaches this AnnAutomation object from its AnnAutomation object with a RasterImageViewer object. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnCodecsFormat.Emf | Use the Windows EMF format (LEADTOOLS Win32 compatible). Note that this format is Save only. LEADTOOLS for .NET Annotations library will not load or get information for a EMF file. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationManager.HidePropertiesTabs | Specifies the list of property pages that can be displayed or hidden when displaying the annotation properties dialog through automation. |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomation.DetachViewer | Detaches this AnnAutomation object from it's RasterImageViewer object. |
The following enumerations have been added in LEADTOOLS for .NET v16.5:
Enumeration | Description |
Leadtools.Annotations.AnnAutomationHidePropertiesTabs | Flags that correspond to the property pages that can be displayed or hidden when displaying the annotation properties dialog through automation. |
Version 16 has not changed from Version 15.
The following features have been added in v15:
The following features have been removed in v15:
The following members have been added to existing types in v15:
Member | Description |
AnnObject.SupportsFixed | true if this AnnObject can be fixed; otherwise it is false |
AnnObject.IsFixedStateStackEmpty | True if the fixed stack is empty; false otherwise |
AnnObject.GetFixedState | Determines if this AnnObject is in a fixed state |
AnnObject.PushFixedState | Temporarily disables the fixed state of an AnnObject |
AnnObject.PopFixedState | Re-enables the fixed state of an AnnObject |
AnnContainer.PushFixedState | Temporarily disables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer |
AnnContainer.PopFixedState | Re-enables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer |
AnnObjectChangedType.Fixed | As a result from changing the 'fixed' state of an existing object via the AnnEditDesigner user interface |
LEADTOOLS For .NET Class Library uses the new .NET 2.0 generic event handler delegate module.
The following table lists the delegate types that have been removed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
AnnDrawDesignerEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnDrawDesignerEventArgs> |
AnnEditDesignerEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnEditDesignerEventArgs> |
AnnRunDesignerEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs> |
AnnBeforeObjectChangedEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnBeforeObjectChangedEventArgs> |
AnnAfterObjectChangedEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnAfterObjectChangedEventArgs> |
AnnPaintEventHandler | EventHandler<AnnPaintEventArgs> |
All collection types use the new .NET 2.0 generic collection module. The base RasterCollection class in v.14.5 has been replaced with a Generic RasterCollection class that all other collection classes in v.15 derive from.
The following table lists the collection classes that has been removed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
AnnPointCollection | RasterCollection<AnnPoint> |
AnnObjectCollection | RasterCollection<AnnObject> |
AnnAutomationObjectCollection | RasterCollection<AnnAutomationObject> |
AnnAutomationCollection | RasterCollection<AnnAutomation> |
AnnControlPointCollection | RasterCollection<AnnControlPoint> |
The following members have been renamed in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
AnnAutomationManager.UseXpStyleToolBar | AnnAutomationManager.UseXPStyleToolBar |
The following properties have changed into methods in v.15:
Version 14.5 | Version 15 |
AnnEditDesigner.ControlPointsLocation | AnnEditDesigner.GetControlPointsLocation |
The following members changed in existing types in v.15:
Member | Description |
AnnAutomationManager.CreateDefaultObjectContextMenu | Method is now static (Shared) member of the AnnAutomationManager class |
AnnAutomationManager.CurrentUICultureChanged | Method is now static (Shared) member of the AnnAutomationManager class |