LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

UserObjectId Field

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The automation ID for user-defined AnnObject derived classes.
public const int UserObjectId
Public Const UserObjectId As Integer
Dim value As Integer
value = AnnAutomationManager.UserObjectId


const int UserObjectId
This field is used when automating user-defined AnnObject derived classes. Assign this value as the AnnAutomationObject.Id property when creating the AnnAutomationObject for the first user-defined object you have. Assign UserObjectId + 1 to the second, UserObjectId + 2 to the third and so on. .

Each automation object must have an object ID that is a unique integer value. The AnnAutomationManager class defines the object IDs for the default annotation objects such as LineObjectId and RectangleObjectId. For user-defined objects, use the UserObjectId first and then add 1 to this value for each new user object.


Target Platforms

See Also


AnnAutomationManager Class
AnnAutomationManager Members



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