LEADTOOLS Annotations for WPF and Silverlight (Leadtools.Windows.Annotations assembly)

IAnnHeader Interface Members

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The following tables list the members exposed by IAnnHeader.

Public Properties
HeaderGets or sets the header of the IAnnHeader.  
HeaderBackgroundGets or sets the color used to fill the background of the text of the header of this IAnnHeader.  
HeaderDecorationsGets or sets a value that indicates the TextDecorationCollection to apply to the text.  
HeaderFontFamilyNameGets or sets a value that indicates the font family of the header typeface.  
HeaderFontSizeGets or sets a value that indicates the font size the header should be formatted at.  
HeaderFontStretchGets or sets a value that indicates the degree to which the header typeface is stretched.  
HeaderFontStyleGets or sets a value that indicates the header style of the typeface.  
HeaderFontWeightGets or sets a value that indicates the header relative weight of the typeface.  
HeaderForegroundGets or sets the color used to draw the text of the header of this IAnnHeader.  
HeaderOffsetGets or sets the header offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the object of this IAnnHeader  
IsHeaderRestrictedGets or sets a value indicating whether this object header is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the AnnContainer.  
IsHeaderVisibleGets or sets a value to determine whether to draw the header of this IAnnHeader.  
See Also


IAnnHeader Interface
Leadtools.Windows.Annotations Namespace



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