LEADTOOLS Workflow (Leadtools.Workflow.Raster assembly)

RasterImageFormat Enumeration

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Indicates the image file format.
Public Enum RasterImageFormat 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterImageFormat


public enum class RasterImageFormat : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000000UnknownUnknown (or RAW Data).
0x00000001PcxZSoft PCX.
0x00000003TifTIFF (Tagged Image File Format).
0x00000004TgaTruevision TGA (TARGA).
0x00000005CmpLEAD Compressed (CMP).
0x00000006BmpBitmap (BMP).
0x0000000AJpegJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF).
0x0000000BTifJpegTIFF with JPEG compression.
0x0000000EOs2OS/2 Bitmap (OS/2 BMP).
0x0000000FWmfWindows Metafile (WMF).
0x00000010EpsPostScript Raster (Encapsulated PostScript).
0x00000011TifLzwTIFF with LZW Compression.
0x00000015Jpeg411JPEG File Interchange Format (4-1-1).
0x00000016TifJpeg411TIFF with JPEG compression.
0x00000017Jpeg422JPEG File Interchange Format (4-2-2).
0x00000018TifJpeg422TIFF with JPEG compression.
0x00000019CcittTIFF CCITT.
0x0000001ALead1BitLEAD 1-bit lossless format.
0x0000001BCcittGroup31DimTIFF CCITT Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
0x0000001CCcittGroup32DimTIFF CCITT Group3 two dimensions.
0x0000001DCcittGroup4TIFF CCITT Group4 two dimensions 4.
0x00000020AbcLEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression.
0x00000032CalsCALS Raster (Type 1).
0x00000033MacMacPaint (MAC).
0x00000034ImgGEM Image (IMG).
0x00000035MspMicrosoft Paint (MSP).
0x00000036WpgWordPerfect (WPG).
0x00000037RasSUN Raster Format (RAS).
0x00000038PctMacintosh Pict Format (PCT).
0x00000039PcdPhotoCD (PCD).
0x0000003DFliFlic Animation (FLI).
0x0000003FEpsTiffPostScript Raster TIFF (Encapsulated PostScript TIFF).
0x00000040EpsWmfPostScript Raster WMF(Encapsulated PostScript WMF).
0x00000042FaxG31DimFAX Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
0x00000043FaxG32DimFAX Group 3 (2 Dimensional).
0x00000044FaxG4FAX Group 4.
0x00000045WfxG31DimWinFax Group 3 (1 Dimensional).
0x00000046WfxG4WinFax Group 4.
0x00000047IcaG31DimIOCA (ICA) (1 Dimensional).
0x00000048IcaG32DimIOCA (ICA) (2 Dimensional).
0x00000049IcaG4IOCA (ICA) (Group 4).
0x0000004AOs22OS/2 Bitmap (OS/2 BMP).
0x0000004BPngPNG (Portable Network Graphics).
0x0000004CPsdPhotoshop 3.0 (PSD).
0x0000004DRawIcaG31DimIOCA (ICA) (Group 3 1Dimensional).
0x0000004ERawIcaG32DimIOCA (ICA) (Group 3 2Dimensional).
0x0000004FRawIcaG4IOCA (ICA) (Group 4).
0x00000050FpxKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
0x00000051FpxSingleColorKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
0x00000052FpxJpegKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
0x00000053FpxJpegQFactorKodak Formats (PCD and FPX).
0x00000054BmpRleBitmap (BMP) (With RLE).
0x00000055TifCmykTIFF CMYK (With CMYK colorspace).
0x00000056TifLzwCmykTIFF LZW (CMYK).
0x00000057TifPackBitsTIFF Packbits.
0x00000058TifPackBitsCmykTIFF Packbits (CMYK).
0x00000059DicomGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
0x0000005ADicomColorDICOM Format (DIC).
0x0000005BWinIcoWindows Icon (ICO).
0x0000005CWinCurWindows Cursor (CUR).
0x0000005DTifYccTIFF YCC.
0x0000005ETifLzwYccTIFF LZW YCC.
0x0000005FTifPackbitsYccTIFF Packbits (YCC).
0x00000061ExifYccExif (YCC).
0x00000062ExifJpegExif (JPEG 4-2-2). This is the same as RasterImageFormat.ExifJpeg422.
0x00000062ExifJpeg422Exif (JPEG 4-2-2).
0x00000063AwdMicrosoft Fax (AWD).
0x00000065ExifJpeg411Exif (JPEG 4-1-1).
0x00000066PbmAsciiPBM Ascii.
0x00000067PbmBinaryPBM Binary.
0x00000068PgmAsciiPGM Ascii.
0x00000069PgmBinaryPPGM Binary.
0x0000006APpmAsciiPPM Ascii.
0x0000006BPpmBinaryPPM Binary.
0x0000006CCutDr. Halo.
0x0000006DXpmXPM Window PixMap.
0x0000006EXbmXWindows BitMap (XBM).
0x0000006FIffIlbmIFF (Amiga Interchange) (ILBM).
0x00000070IffCatIFF (Amiga Interchange) (CAT).
0x00000071XwdX Window Dump (XWD).
0x00000072ClpMicrosoft Windows Clipboard (CLP).
0x00000073JbigJBIG (JBG).
0x00000074EmfWindows Enhanced Metafile (EMF).
0x00000075IcaIbmMmrIOCA (ICA) (MMR Compressed).
0x00000076RawIcaIbmMmrIOCA (ICA) (Raw MMR Compressed).
0x00000077AniWindows Animated Cursor (ANI).
0x00000079LaserDataLaserView LaserData.
0x0000007AIntergraphRleIntergraphRLE (ITG) (RLE compressed).
0x0000007DDicomRleGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
0x0000007EDicomRleColorDICOM Format (DIC).
0x0000007FDicomJpegGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
0x00000080DicomJpegColorDICOM Format (DIC).
0x00000081Cals4CALS Raster (Type 4).
0x00000082Cals2CALS Raster (Type 2).
0x00000083Cals3CALS Raster (Type 3).
0x00000084Xwd10X Window Dump (XWD 10).
0x00000085Xwd11X Window Dump (XWD 11).
0x00000086FlcFlic Animation (FLC).
0x00000087KdcKodak Digital Camera Format (KDC).
0x0000008ATifCmpTIFF (with LEAD CMP compression).
0x0000008BTifJbigTIFF (with JBIG compression).
0x0000008CTifDxfTIFF with embedded DXF.
0x0000008DTifUnknownTIFF (Unknown image data).
0x0000008ESgiSilicon Graphics Image Format (SGI).
0x0000008FSgiRleSilicon Graphics Image Format (SGI) (RLE).
0x00000092RasPdfPortable Document Format (PDF).
0x00000093RasPdfG31DimPortable Document Format (PDF) (Group 3 1-Dimensional).
0x00000094RasPdfG32DimPortable Document Format (PDF) (Group 3 2-Dimensional).
0x00000095RasPdfG4Portable Document Format (PDF) (Group 4).
0x00000096RasPdfJpegPortable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG).
0x00000097RasPdfJpeg422Portable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG 4-2-2).
0x00000098RasPdfJpeg411Portable Document Format (PDF) (JPEG 4-1-1).
0x00000099RawRaw Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x0000009CRawRgbRaw Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x0000009DRawRle4Raw Image Data (RLE 4-bit). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x0000009ERawRle8Raw Image Data (RLE 8-bit).LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x0000009FRawBitfieldsRaw Image Data (BitField compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x000000A0RawPackBitsRaw Image Data (Packbits compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x000000A1RawJpegRaw Image Data (JPEG compressed).
0x000000A2FaxG31DimNoEolFAX Group 3 (1 Dimensional) - with no EOL.
0x000000A2RawCcittRaw Image Data (CCITT compressed). LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data.
0x000000A3Jp2JP2 - Lossy or Lossless.
0x000000A4J2kJ2K - Lossy or Lossless.
0x000000A5CmwLEAD CMW.
0x000000A6TifJ2kTIFF with JPEG 2000 compression.
0x000000A7TifCmwTIFF with LEAD Wavelet CMW compression.
0x000000A8MrcStandard MRC T44 format.
0x000000AAWbmpWireless Bitmap Format (WBMP).
0x000000ABJpegLabJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB).
0x000000ACJpegLab411JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB 4-1-1).
0x000000ADJpegLab422JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (LAB 4-2-2).
0x000000AEGeoTiffTIFF (GeoTIFF).
0x000000AFTifLead1BitTIFF with LEAD 1-bit compression.
0x000000B1TifMrcTIFF with standard MRC compression.
0x000000B2RawLzwLZW Image Data. LEADTOOLS can save raw lzw compressed data.
0x000000B3RasPdfLzwPortable Document Format (PDF) (LZW Compression).
0x000000B4TifAbcTIFF with LEAD ABC 1-bit compression.
0x000000B6JpegRgbJPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) (RGB).
0x000000B7Jbig2JBIG2 (JB2).
0x000000BATifAbicTIFF with ABIC compression.
0x000000BBTifJbig2TIFF with JBIG2 compression.
0x000000BCRasPdfJbig2Portable Document Format (PDF) (JBIG2 Compression).
0x000000BDTifZipTIFF (with ZIP compression).
0x000000BEAbicRaw ABIC Format (ABIC).
0x000000BEIcaAbicIOCA with ABIC compression.
0x000000DEPostscriptPostScript Document Format (PS).
0x000000F9PtocaPTOCA Format (PTOCA).
0x000000FASctScitex Continuous Tone Format (SCT).
0x000000FCAfpAFP Format (AFP).
0x000000FDIcaUncompressedIOCA (ICA) (uncompressed).
0x000000FERawIcaUncompressedIOCA (ICA) (raw uncompressed).
0x00000100SmpSMP Format (SMP).
0x00000101SmpG31DimSMP Format (SMP) (Group 3 1-Dimensional).
0x00000102SmpG32DimSMP Format (SMP) (Group 3 2-Dimensional).
0x00000103SmpG4SMP Format (SMP) (Group 4).
0x00000106TgaRleTruevision TGA (TARGA) (RLE).
0x00000107Kdc120Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (120).
0x00000108Kdc40Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (40).
0x00000109Kdc50Kodak Digital Camera Format (KDC) (50).
0x0000010ADcsKodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCS).
0x0000010DTifxJbigXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x0000010ETifxJbigT43Xerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x0000010FTifxJbigT43ItuLabXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000110TifxJbigT43GsXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000111TifxFaxG4Xerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000112TifxFaxG31DXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000113TifxFaxG32DXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000114TifxJpegXerox Internet Fax File Format.
0x00000115EcwEnhanced Compressed Wavelet Format (ECW).
0x00000120RasRleSUN Raster Format (RAS) (RLE).
0x00000123ClpRleMicrosoft Windows Clipboard (CLP)(RLE compressed).
0x00000124DcrKodak Professional Digital Camera System Format (DCR).
0x00000125DicomJ2kGrayDICOM Format (DIC).
0x00000126DicomJ2kColorDICOM Format (DIC).
0x00000127FitFITS Format (FIT).
0x00000128CrwAFP Format (AFP) IOCA MMR Compressed.
0x0000012ACinCineon Format (CIN).
0x0000012CEpsPostscriptPostScript Raster (Encapsulated PostScript).
0x0000012DIntergraphCcittG4IntergraphRLE (ITG) (CCITT Group 4 compressed).
0x0000012ESffStructured Fax File Format (SFF).
0x0000012FIffIlbmUncompressedIFF (Amiga Interchange) (ILBM uncompressed).
0x00000130IffCatUncompressedIFF (Amiga Interchange) (CAT uncompressed).
0x00000131RtfRasterRich Text Format (RTF).
0x00000133WmzCompressed Windows Metafile Format (WMZ).
0x00000135AfpIcaG31DimAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group3 1 Dimensional.
0x00000136AfpIcaG32DimAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group3 2 Dimensional.
0x00000137AfpIcaG4AFP Format (AFP) IOCA Group4.
0x00000138AfpIcaUncompressedAFP Format (AFP) IOCA Uncompressed.
0x00000139AfpIcaIbmMmrAFP Format (AFP) IOCA MMR Compressed.
0x0000013ALeadMrcLEADTOOLS MRC format.
0x0000013BTifLeadMrcTIFF with LEAD MRC compression.
0x0000013CTxtASCII Text Format. LEADTOOLS can load TXT files as raster images.
0x0000013DPdfLeadMrcPDF format with image segmentation using MRC.
0x0000013EHdpJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
0x0000013FHdpGrayJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
0x00000140HdpCmykJPEG XR / Microsoft HD Photo File Format.
0x00000141PngIcoWindows Icon (ICO), PNG Compressed (VISTA).
0x00000142XpsXML Paper Specification (XPS) - with PNG Compression.
0x00000143JpxJpeg 2000 extension part 2 (JPX).
0x00000144XpsJpegXML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-4-4) Compression.
0x00000145XpsJpeg422XML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-2-2) Compression.
0x00000146XpsJpeg411XML Paper Specification (XPS) - with JPEG (4-1-1) Compression.
0x00000147MngMultiple Network Graphics (MNG).
0x00000149MngGrayMultiple Network Graphics (MNG) - Gray.
0x0000014AMngJngMultiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-4-4.
0x0000014BMngJng411Multiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-1-1.
0x0000014CMngJng422Multiple Network Graphics (MNG) - YUV 4-2-2.
0x0000014DRasPdfCmykPortable Document Format (PDF) (CMYK data).
0x0000014ERasPdfLzwCmykPortable Document Format (PDF) (CMYK data - LZW Compression).
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Workflow.Raster Namespace



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Leadtools.Workflow.Raster requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features