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Audio Clip Annotation Object

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The audio clip annotation object (ANNOBJECT_AUDIO) is a rectangle containing a scaled image that can be activated to play a WAV file. With the automated functions, in design mode, the user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. A dialog box then lets the user specify the WAV file. In run mode, clicking on the icon plays the WAV file.

The class for Audio Clip Annotation objects is LAnnAudioClip.

When you save this type of annotation, the WAV file is not saved. Only its path, specified in the text property, is saved.

You cannot flip, reverse, or rotate an audio clip. If you flip, reverse, or rotate a container that includes an audio clip, the object will move to the new position, but will retain its orientation.

With low-level functions, you must specify the defining rectangle. Other applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:

Active state

Defaults to disabled. It can be changed using LAnnotation::SetActiveState.


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using LAnnotation::SetVisible.


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using LAnnotation::SetSelected.


Defaults to an empty string. It can be changed to the path of the WAV file using LAnnAudioClip::SetText.

Tag (identifier)

Defaults to 0. It can be changed using LAnnotation::SetTag.

Window handle

Defaults to NULL or the handle inherited from the container.

User mode

Defaults to design mode or the mode inherited from the container.

Fixed State

Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using LAnnXXX::SetFixed.


Defaults to empty string. It can be changed using LAnnotation::SetNameOptions.

Related topics:

Implementing Annotations.

Types of Annotations.

Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

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