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#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LAnnPolyRuler::GetDistance(pdDistance, pdDistance2=0)

L_DOUBLE *pdDistance;

/* address of the variable that will be updated with the distance of a ruler object */

L_DOUBLE *pdDistance2;

/* address of the variable that will be updated with the distance of a ruler object */

Gets the distance of the Ruler object(s) in the object's unit of measurement, set by LAnnRuler::SetUnit.




Address of the variable to be updated with the distance of the ruler object. For objects having only one ruler, this variable will be updated with the length. For cross products, which have two rulers, this variable will be updated with the length of the primary ruler.


Address of the variable to be updated with the distance of the ruler object. For cross products and protractors, which have two rulers, this variable will be updated with the length of the secondary ruler.


Either pdDistance or pdDistance2 can be NULL, but not both. If either of these pointers is NULL, the distance for that ruler will not be retrieved.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


LAnnAutomation::SetBitmapDpiX, LAnnAutomation::SetBitmapDpiY, LAnnAutomation::GetBitmapDpiX, LAnnAutomation::GetBitmapDpiY, LAnnRuler::SetUnit, LAnnRuler::GetUnit, LAnnRuler::SetGaugeLength, LAnnRuler::GetGaugeLength, LAnnPolyRuler::GetDistance2, ANNSMARTDISTANCE, Class Members


Annotation Functions: Working with the Toolbar


Implementing Annotations


Automated User Interface for Annotations


Using Rulers in Annotation Objects


gets the current measurement unit settings and displays them

if unit is not inches, make it so

L_INT LAnnPolyRuler_GetDistanceExample(LAnnPolyRuler * pAnnObject) 
        L_INT nRet;
        L_SIZE_T uLen; 
   L_UINT uUnit; 
   HGLOBAL hUnitAbbrev; 
   L_TCHAR * pUnitAbbrev=NULL; 
   L_SIZE_T uPrecision; 
   L_TCHAR buf[180]; 
   L_TCHAR dis[180]; 
   L_TCHAR format[180]; 
   L_DOUBLE dDistance; 
   /* first, get unit abbreviation string len */
   uLen = pAnnObject->GetUnitLen();
   /* allocate enough memory for the abbreviation string */
   hUnitAbbrev = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, (uLen+1)*sizeof(L_TCHAR)); 
   pUnitAbbrev = (L_TCHAR *)GlobalLock(hUnitAbbrev); 
   /* get the settings */
   uUnit = pAnnObject->GetUnit (pUnitAbbrev, &uPrecision,NULL); 
   /* and, get the distance */
   nRet = pAnnObject->GetDistance(&dDistance); 
        if(nRet != SUCCESS)
                return nRet;
   /* display current settings & distance in current unit of measurement */
   wsprintf(buf, TEXT("Unit: %d\nAbbrev: %s\nPrecision: %d\n"),
                                uUnit, pUnitAbbrev, uPrecision); 
                                wsprintf(format, TEXT("Distance: %%.%df\n"),uPrecision); 
                                wsprintf(dis, format, dDistance); 
                                lstrcat(buf, dis); 
   MessageBox(NULL, buf, TEXT("Units"), MB_OK); 
   /* if unit is not inches, make it so */
   if(uUnit != ANNUNIT_INCHES) 
      nRet = pAnnObject->SetUnit (ANNUNIT_INCHES, TEXT("in"), 2, 0); 
                if(nRet != SUCCESS)
                        return nRet;
        return SUCCESS;
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