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LEADTOOLS Raster imaging C++ Class library help

Implementing Special Effects

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The LEADTOOLS special effects functions give you precise control over a large variety of effects when you paint bitmaps, text, patterns, and shapes to a device context.

Painting Bitmaps

To apply a transitional effect when painting a bitmap, you can use LPaintEffect::PaintBitmap or LPaintEffect::EffectBlt, and you can specify the following:

Painting Rectangular Areas

You can paint a rectangular area with a solid color, a gradient color transition, or a pattern. The following functions are available:

Painting Three-Dimensional Text

You can paint rotated or unrotated text using LPaintEffect::Draw3dText or LPaintEffect::Draw3dText. You can specify the following:

Painting a Frame

You can use LPaintEffect::DrawFrame to paint a frame. The interior is transparent. The frame, itself, has a three-dimensional apperance. You can specify the following:

Painting a Three-Dimensional Shape

You can use LPaintEffect::Draw3dShape to paint a three-dimensional shape, such as a circle or triangle. For each shape, you can specify the following:

You can also use the high-level class LBitmapWindow to implement special effects. This class creates a window and does all of the processing required to implement special effects. You control the effects using various member functions of LBitmapWindow.

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