Writing Barcodes

Take the following steps to add code to the existing project that will let you to write barcodes:

1. Start with the program you created in Reading Barcodes.
2. Click the "Solution Explorer" tab.
3. Double-click the "BarcodeTutor" folder to open it.
4. Double-click the "Resource Files" folder to open it. Then double click "BarcodeTutor.rc" file to open it, then double click "Dialog", and then double click "IDD_BARCODETUTOR_DIALOG"
5. Now, drag and drop 1 button, and change its properties as follows:
    ID Caption
  Button3 IDC_WRITE_BARCODE Write Barcode
6. From the View menu, select "Other Windows" menu, then select "Resource View" menu, then select Dialog, and select "IDD_BARCODETUTOR_DIALOG".
7. Double click on "Write Barcode" button, and add the following code:

   BARCODE1D Bar1d;    
   memset(&Bar1d, 0, sizeof(BARCODE1D));    
   Bar1d.uStructSize = sizeof(BARCODE1D);    
   Bar1d.bErrorCheck = TRUE;    
   Bar1d.bOutShowText = TRUE;    
   BARCODEDATA BarData;    
   memset(&BarData, 0, sizeof(BARCODEDATA));    
   BarData.uStructSize = sizeof(BARCODEDATA);    
   SetRect(&BarData.rcBarLocation, 100, 100, 350, 200);    
   BarData.pszBarCodeData = "012345678901";   
   BarData.nSizeofBarCodeData = (L_INT)strlen(BarData.pszBarCodeData);    
   BarData.ulType = BARCODE_1D_EAN_13;    
   BARCODECOLOR BarColor;    
   memset(&BarColor, 0, sizeof(BARCODECOLOR));    
   BarColor.uStructSize = sizeof(BARCODECOLOR);    
   BarColor.dwColorBar = RGB(0, 0, 0);    
   BarColor.dwColorSpace = RGB(255, 255, 255);    
   L_INT nRet = m_Barcode.Write(&BarData, 0, &BarColor, &Bar1d, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);    
   if (nRet == SUCCESS)    
      AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Barcode written succesffuly"));   
      AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failure during writing linear barcodes")); 


Compile and test the program.

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