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AnnPointEditDesigner Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnPointEditDesigner members

Public Methods

Name Description
Cancel The AnnEditDesigner implementation of the AnnDesigner.Cancel method. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
End Ends the editing of the TargetObject. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
GetRotateGripper Gets the location of the rotate gripper thumb for the selected object, in annotation coordinates. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
GetThumbLocations An AnnPointEditDesigner implementation of the GetThumbLocations method.
Invalidate Manually invalidates this designer. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
OnPointerDoubleClick Provides an implementation of the OnPointerDoubleClick event in this AnnEditDesigner object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
OnPointerDown Provides an implementation of the OnPointerDown event in this AnnEditDesigner object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
OnPointerMove Provides an implementation of the OnPointerMove event in this AnnEditDesigner object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
OnPointerUp Provides an implementation of the OnPointerUp event in this AnnEditDesigner object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
ResetRotateThumbs Move the rotate thumbs to the default position. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
SnapObjectToGrid Snaps the specified AnnObject to the container grid based on AnnSnapToGridOptions. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Start Starts editing the TargetObject. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)

Protected Methods

Name Description
EndWorking Ends editing. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
GetIntersectionWithReferencePoints Gets the intersection point between the rotate center and gripper. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
GetRotateCenterPoint Gets the location of the rotate center thumb for the selected object, in annotation coordinates. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
GetRotationReferencePoints Provides an implementation of the GetRotationReferencePoints method for this AnnPointEditDesigner object.
Move Moves the object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
MoveThumb Provides an implementation of the MoveThumb method for this AnnPointEditDesigner object.
OnEdit Raises the Edit event. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
StartWorking Begins editing. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Working Continues the editing process. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
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Leadtools.Annotations.Designers Assembly