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FileCache Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by FileCache.

Public Constructors

Name Description
FileCache Initializes a new instance of FileCache.

Public Methods

Name Description
AddOrGetExisting<T> Adds a cache entry into the cache, and returns an existing cache entry with a matching key.
BeginAdd Begins adding a new cache item.
BeginAddExternalResource Begins adding a new cache item.
CheckPolicies Checks the policy of all items in the cache and purge any item that has been expired.
CheckPolicy Checks the policy of an existing cache item or items in a region and purge it if it has expired.
Contains Checks whether the specified cache entry exists in the cache.
DeleteItem Deletes the specified item from the cache.
DeleteRegion Deletes the specified region and all its data.
EndAdd Ends adding a new cache item and commit the changes.
EndAddExternalResource<T> Ends adding a new cache item and commit the changes.
EnumerateKeys Enumerates all the items in a region.
EnumerateRegions Enumerates all the regions in this cache.
GetCacheFilePath Path to the physical file holding the data for the specified item.
GetCacheItem<T> Specified cache entry from the cache.
GetCacheUrl URI to the physical file holding the data for the specified item.
GetCount Total number of cache entries in the cache.
GetEnumerator Creates an enumerator that can be used to iterate through a collection of cache entries.
GetItemExternalResource Get a URI to the cache item
GetItemVirtualDirectoryUrl Gets a URI that provides HTTP GET access to data for the specified item.
GetStatistics Returns a snapshot of the number of items in the specified region.
GetValues Cache entries that corresponds the specified keys.
Remove<T> Removes an entry from the cache.
RemoveItemExternalResource Removes the external resource URI associated with the specified cache item
UpdateCacheItem<T> Update an existing item in the cache.
UpdatePolicy Update the policy of an existing cache item.

Protected Methods

Name Description
GetRegionName Actual region name.
OnCacheItemExpired Overrides OnCacheItemExpired.
OnCacheItemExpiring Overrides OnCacheItemExpiring.

Public Properties

Name Description
AccessTimeout Determines how long to wait between file access errors before an exception is thrown.
Binder Binder to use when serializing cache items.
CacheDirectory Location in the file system to use for storing cache items.
CacheVirtualDirectory Location in a web server to use for storing cache items.
DataSerializationMode Determines the type of serialization to use when the data is saved into the cache.
DefaultCacheCapabilities Capabilities of this cache.
DefaultPolicy Default policy when setting cache values using the properties and methods that do not use a region name.
DefaultRegion Name of the region to use when calling the properties and methods that do not use a region name.
Item The cache item.
Name Unique name of this cache object
PolicySerializationMode Determines the type of serialization to use when the policy is saved into the cache.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Caching Assembly