The PACS Framework is a framework for easily creating DICOM-based servers. The framework consists of a Windows Service (Leadtools.Dicom.Service.exe) that implements a user-defined DICOM service. The Windows Service provides the following features:
This framework allows the developer to quickly develop scalable full featured PACSS (i.e. Windows Service, Association and secure communications, debug and audit log). It also allows the developer to organize DICOM services into different processes (i.e. LAN vs. WAN, secure vs. unsecure, HIS/RIS vs. PACS Archive).
The LEADTOOLS Server Framework exposes specific interfaces that allow addins to implement additional functionality for the server. The following features can be provided by addins:
Getting Started
Implementing A C-STORE AddIn
Implementing a DICOM Log AddIn
Implementing a Storage Commit
Implementing AddIn Options
Programming with PACS Client Framework
LEADTOOLS PACS Framework Storage Classes
PACS Framework
PACS Configuration Demo