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DocumentConverterJobEventArgs Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentConverterJobEventArgs.

Public Constructors

Name Description
DocumentConverterJobEventArgs Initializes a new instance of DocumentConverterJobEventArgs.

Public Properties

Name Description
AnnContainer The AnnContainer object used when annotations are loaded or saved.
AnnotationsMode Current annotations mode.
Document The current input Document object.
DocumentWriter The DocumentWriter object used when saving document formats.
InputDocumentPageNumber The current input page number.
IsPostOperation A value that indicates whether the engine has already run the operation.
Job The current job object.
OcrDocument The IOcrDocument object created when converting using OCR.
OcrPage The IOcrPage object created when converting using OCR.
OcrPageImage RasterImage object used as the input for a page when OCR conversion is used.
Operation The current operation.
OutputDocumentPageNumber The current output page number.
RasterImage The RasterImage object used as the input for raster conversion and optional overlay for SVG conversion.
Status Current status of the job and allows the user to cancel it.
SvgDocument The SvgDocument object used when SVG conversion is used.
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Documents.Converters Assembly