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HighQualityRotate Method


Perform high quality rotation on a black and white image.


public CommandResponse HighQualityRotate( 
   HighQualityRotateRequest request 
Function HighQualityRotate( _ 
   ByVal request As Leadtools.Services.Imageprocessing.Datacontracts.HighQualityRotateRequest _ 
) As Leadtools.Services.Imageprocessing.Datacontracts.CommandResponse 
Leadtools.Services.Imageprocessing.Datacontracts.CommandResponse^ HighQualityRotate(  
   Leadtools.Services.Imageprocessing.Datacontracts.HighQualityRotateRequest^ request 


A System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute containing the data that will be used in this HighQualityRotate operation.

Return Value

A System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute containing the modified image resulting from the HighQualityRotate operation.


The HighQualityRotate can be used to perform high quality rotation on a black and white (1 bits/pixel) images in any angle.

Normal rotation operations such as IImageProcessingService.Rotate will rotate the image data as is, which may result in less than desired quality due to the limited number of bits/pixel of the image (1 bit). This operation will temporarily convert the image to 8 bits/pixel internally, perform the rotation and then convert the image back to 1 bits/pixel.

This operation only works with a 1 bits/pixel images, using this operation on any other image type will result in an exception.

This operation does not support signed data images.

For more information, refer to Cleaning Up 1-Bit Images.


This example will show the difference between normal rotation (IImageProcessingService.Rotate) and high quality rotation (HighQualityRotate) when performed on a 1 bits/pixel image.

using Leadtools.Services; 
public void HighQualityRotateExample() 
   // Get an image 
   string tifFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1.tif"); 
   string normalRotateFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1_NormalRotated.tif"); 
   string highQualityRotateFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1_HighQualityRotated.tif"); 
   int angle = 30 * 100; 
   string fillColor = "White"; 
   RawBinaryData sourceBinaryData = new RawBinaryData(); 
   sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(tifFileName); 
   RasterConvertOptions convertOptions = new RasterConvertOptions(); 
   convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData; 
   convertOptions.Destination = null; 
   convertOptions.Format = RasterImageFormat.Tif; 
   convertOptions.FirstPage = 1; 
   convertOptions.LastPage = 1; 
   convertOptions.BitsPerPixel = 1; 
   convertOptions.QualityFactor = 2; 
   // Load the image, rotate normally by 30 degrees and save 
      ImageProcessingServiceClient client = new ImageProcessingServiceClient(); 
      RotateRequest request = new RotateRequest(); 
      request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions; 
      request.RegionData = null; 
      request.Angle = angle; 
      request.Flags = RotateCommandFlags.Resize | RotateCommandFlags.Bicubic; 
      request.FillColor = fillColor; 
      CommandResponse response = client.Rotate(request); 
      if (response.Destination != null) 
         if (response.Destination is RawBinaryData) 
            File.WriteAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + normalRotateFileName, (response.Destination as RawBinaryData).Data); 
   // Load the image, rotate with high quality by 30 degrees and save 
      DocumentProcessingServiceClient client = new DocumentProcessingServiceClient(); 
      HighQualityRotateRequest request = new HighQualityRotateRequest(); 
      request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions; 
      request.RegionData = null; 
      request.Angle = angle; 
      request.Flags = HighQualityRotateCommandFlags.Resize | HighQualityRotateCommandFlags.BestQuality; 
      request.FillColor = fillColor; 
      CommandResponse response = client.HighQualityRotate(request); 
      if (response.Destination != null) 
         if (response.Destination is RawBinaryData) 
            File.WriteAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path + highQualityRotateFileName, (response.Destination as RawBinaryData).Data); 
   // Now compare the saved TIF files and notice the difference in quality between 
   // the normal rotate and high quality 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; 
Imports Leadtools.Services 
Public Sub HighQualityRotateExample() 
   ' Get an image 
   Dim tifFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1.tif") 
   Dim normalRotateFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1_NormalRotated.tif") 
   Dim highQualityRotateFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ocr1_HighQualityRotated.tif") 
   Dim angle As Integer = 30 * 100 
   Dim fillColor As String = "White" 
   Dim sourceBinaryData As RawBinaryData = New RawBinaryData() 
   sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(tifFileName) 
   Dim convertOptions As RasterConvertOptions = New RasterConvertOptions() 
   convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData 
   convertOptions.Destination = Nothing 
   convertOptions.Format = RasterImageFormat.Tif 
   convertOptions.FirstPage = 1 
   convertOptions.LastPage = 1 
   convertOptions.BitsPerPixel = 1 
   convertOptions.QualityFactor = 2 
   ' Load the image, rotate normally by 30 degrees and save 
   Dim client As ImageProcessingServiceClient = New ImageProcessingServiceClient() 
   Dim request As RotateRequest = New RotateRequest() 
   request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions 
   request.RegionData = Nothing 
   request.Angle = angle 
   request.Flags = RotateCommandFlags.Resize Or RotateCommandFlags.Bicubic 
   request.FillColor = fillColor 
   Dim response As CommandResponse = client.Rotate(request) 
   If Not response.Destination Is Nothing Then 
      If TypeOf response.Destination Is RawBinaryData Then 
         File.WriteAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path & normalRotateFileName, (TryCast(response.Destination, RawBinaryData)).Data) 
      End If 
   End If 
   ' Load the image, rotate with high quality by 30 degrees and save 
   Dim documentClient As DocumentProcessingServiceClient = New DocumentProcessingServiceClient() 
   Dim documentRequest As HighQualityRotateRequest = New HighQualityRotateRequest() 
   documentRequest.ConvertOptions = convertOptions 
   documentRequest.RegionData = Nothing 
   documentRequest.Angle = angle 
   documentRequest.Flags = HighQualityRotateFlags.Resize Or HighQualityRotateFlags.BestQuality 
   documentRequest.FillColor = fillColor 
   response = documentClient.HighQualityRotate(documentRequest) 
   If Not response.Destination Is Nothing Then 
      If TypeOf response.Destination Is RawBinaryData Then 
         File.WriteAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path & highQualityRotateFileName, (TryCast(response.Destination, RawBinaryData)).Data) 
      End If 
   End If 
   ' Now compare the saved TIF files and notice the difference in quality between 
   ' the normal rotate and high quality 
End Sub 
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS 
   Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" 
End Class 


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