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Leadtools.Drawing Introduction


The Leadtools.Drawing assembly contains classes, delegates, enumerations, and structures that support the following operations:

Key Features:

Painting to a Device

  • Define the bitmap as a display surface to use Windows graphics device interface (GDI) or GDI+ functions for drawing or adding text.

Painting on the surface of the LEADTOOLS Image

  • Create a GDI+ Drawing.Graphics object using a Leadtools.RasterImage as the display surface
  • Create a Windows GDI device context using a Leadtools.RasterImage as the display surface
  • Implement custom callbacks to override some of the system painting functions (for example, to take advantage of display adapters that can handle more than 8-bit grayscale colors)

Image Conversion

  • Convert to and from GDI Images
  • Convert to and from GDI+ Images
  • Convert to and from WPF/Silverlight Images

Region Conversion

  • Convert to and from GDI HRGN objects
  • Convert to and from GDI+ Drawing.Region objects

Supported Environments

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Leadtools.Drawing Assembly