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ExternalStoreDBDataAccessAgent Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see ExternalStoreDBDataAccessAgent members

Public Methods

Name Description
GetClearCount Gets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'
GetClearList Gets the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'
GetExternalStoreCount Gets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'
GetExternalStoreGuid Gets the GUID of 'External Store' from the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance _sopInstanceUid_
GetExternalStoreList Returns a list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be sent to the 'External Store'
GetResetCount Gets the reset count from the 'External Store' of the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the _range_.
GetRestoreCount Gets the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'
GetRestoreList Gets the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'
GetToken Gets the 'External Store' token from the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance _sopInstanceUid_
IsExternalStored Returns 'true' if the instance corresponding to the _sopInstanceUid_ has been copied to the 'External Store'; false otherwise
Reset Resets the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the _range_.
SetExternalStoreGuid Sets the GUID of 'External Store' that corresponds to the instance _sopInstanceUid_ in the ExternalStore table.
SetInstanceExternalStored Marks (as externally stored) the instance that corresponds to _sopInstanceUid_ in the ExternalStore table
SetOverwriteFlag Deletes all rows from the ExternalStore database table that match the _sopInstanceUid_
SetReferencedFile Sets the referenced file that corresponds to the instance _sopInstanceUid_ in the Instance table.
SetToken Sets the 'External Store' token in the ExternalStore table that corresponds to the instance _sopInstanceUid_

Protected Methods

Name Description
CreateDatabaseProvider Creates the database provider for connecting and working with 'External Store' database.
InitializeGetClearCountCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the 'Local Store'
InitializeGetClearListCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be cleared from the ''Local Store''
InitializeGetExternalStoreCountCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'
InitializeGetExternalStoreGuidCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to get the 'External Store' GUID that corresponds to the _sopInstanceUid_ in the 'External Store'.
InitializeGetExternalStoreListCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that need to be sent to the 'External Store'
InitializeGetResetCountCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to get the reset count from the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the _range_.
InitializeGetRestoreCountCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the count of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the 'Local Store'
InitializeGetRestoreListCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to query for the list of Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that can be copied from the 'External Store' back to the ''Local Store''
InitializeGetTokenCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the 'External Store' token that corresponds to the _sopInstanceUid_.
InitializeInsertCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to insert a record into the 'External Store'.
InitializeIsExternalStoredCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to determine if the instance corresponding to the _sopInstanceUid_ has been copied to the 'External Store'.
InitializeResetCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to reset the 'External Store' with the Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer.DataTypes.ExternalStoreInstance that fall within the _range_.
InitializeSetExternalStoreGuidCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the _sopInstanceUid_ and _externalStoreGuid_ in the database that identifies which external addin is used for the 'External Store'.
InitializeSetOverwriteCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to delete all rows from the ExternalStore database table that match the _sopInstanceUid_.
InitializeSetReferencedCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set _referencedFile_ that corresponds to the _sopInstanceUid_ in the 'Local Store'.
InitializeSetTokenCommand Initializes a System.Data.IDbCommand object to set the _sopInstanceUid_ and corresponding 'External Store' _token_ in the database.
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Leadtools.Medical.ExternalStore.DataAccessLayer Assembly