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DatabaseSchemaReposotory Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DatabaseSchemaReposotory.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
FailedCompositeAttributes Initializes a new instance of this class.
FailedCompositeInstancesTable Initializes a new instance of this class.
MediaInformationTable Initializes a new instance of this class.
MediaLocationTable Initializes a new instance of this class.
ReferencedCompositeInstancesTable Initializes a new instance of this class.
ReferencedMediaStorageTable Initializes a new instance of this class.

Public Fields

Name Description
AllowLossyCompression The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Allow Lossy Compression attribute.
AllowMediaSplitting The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Allow Media Splitting attribute.
Attribute Represents the name of the column containing the information for the failed DICOM Attribute.
BarcodeSymbology The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Barcode Symbology attribute.
BarcodeValue The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Barcode Value attribute.
ExecutionStatus The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Execution Status attribute.
ExecutionStatusInfo The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Execution Status Info attribute.
FailedCompositeAttributes Contains the information for the "Failed Composite Attributes" Table that represents the Attributes in DICOM Failed SOP Sequence.
FailedCompositeInstancesTable Contains the information for the "Failed Composite Instances" Table representing the DICOM Failed SOP Sequence.
FailureReason Represents the name of the column containing the information for the DICOM Failure Reason attribute.
IncludeDisplayApplication The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Include Display Application attribute.
IncludeNonDicomObjects The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Include Non-DICOM Objects attribute.
InstanceCreationDate The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Instance Creation Date attribute.
InstanceCreationTime The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Instance Creation Time attribute.
LabelStyleSelection The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Style Selection attribute.
LabelText The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Text attribute.
Location Represents the name of the column which holds the location where the Media Object is created on disk.
MediaDisposition The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Media Disposition attribute.
MediaInformationTable Contains the information for the "Media Information" Table.
MediaLocationTable Holds the information for the "Media Location" Table.
MediaObjectSopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the referenced DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
MediaObjectSopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the referenced DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
MediaObjectSopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column which holds the information for the referenced DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
MediaObjectSopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column that contains the information for the referenced DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
MediaObjectSopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column that holds the information for the referenced DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
NumberOfCopies The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Number Of Copies attribute.
PreserveAfterCreation The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Preserve Composite Instances After Media Creation attribute.
ReferencedCompositeInstancesTable Contains information for the "Referenced Composite Instances" Table representing the DICOM Referenced SOP Sequence.
ReferencedMediaStorageTable Contains information for the "Referenced Media Storage" Table representing the DICOM Referenced Storage Media Sequence.
RequestedApplicationProfile Represents the name of the column containing the information for the DICOM Requested Application Profile attribute.
RequestedApplicationProfile Represents the name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Requested Application Profile attribute.
RequestPriority The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Request Priority attribute.
SopClassUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the failed DICOM SOP Class UID attribute.
SopClassUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the failed DICOM SOP Class UID attribute.
SopClassUID Represents the name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM SOP Class UID attribute.
SopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the failed DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
SopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column containing the information for the DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
SopInstanceUID The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
SopInstanceUID Represents the name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM SOP Instance UID attribute.
StatusUpdateDate The name of the column that contains the information for the Status Update Date.
StorageFileSetID The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-ID attribute.
StorageFileSetID Represents the name of the column that holds the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-ID attribute.
StorageFileSetUID The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-UID attribute.
StorageFileSetUID Represents the name of the column that holds the information for the DICOM Storage Media File-Set-UID attribute.
TableName Represents the name of the Table containing the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.FailedCompositeAttributes class.
TableName Represents the name of the Table containing the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.FailedCompositeInstancesTable class.
TableName The name of the Table which contains the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.MediaInformationTable class.
TableName Represents the name of the Table which contains the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.MediaLocationTable class.
TableName Represents the name of the Table which contains the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.ReferencedCompositeInstancesTable class.
TableName Represents the name of the Table that contains the columns in the DatabaseSchemaReposotory.ReferencedMediaStorageTable class.
TotalNumberOfMediaCreated The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Total Number of Pieces of Media Created attribute.
UseLabeInfoFromInstances The name of the column that contains the information for the DICOM Label Using Information Extracted From Instances attribute.
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