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Leadtools.Services.Raster.ServiceContracts Assembly (WCF)


The Leadtools.Services.Raster.ServiceContracts namespace contains classes and interfaces to implement service contracts, both requests and responses, to obtain information or convert an image.

For an outline and descriptions of classes and interfaces, click "Leadtools.Services.Raster.ServiceContracts" under Namespaces, below.


Leadtools.Services.Raster.ServiceContractsOutline and descriptions of classes and interfaces.

In addition to the Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core namespace, the following assemblies\namespaces offered by LEADTOOLS provide image processing support:

Assembly\Namespace Description

Overview and descriptions of properties, methods and events for describing types of data to enable others to interoperate with the service. The descriptions of the data types are known as the data contract, and the types can be used in any part of a message, for example, as parameters or return types.


Overview and descriptions of properties, methods and events that describe a Raster fault contract. The fault contract is associated with a LEADTOOLS Raster service operation to denote errors that can be returned to the caller. An operation can have zero or more faults associated with it.

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