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Leadtools.Sane.Server Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Sane Server classes, and interfaces.

Class Description
ClientConnectionEvent Provides data for the ClientListener.clientStarted and ClientListener.clientStopped events.
CommandEvent Provides data for the ICommandCallBack callback.
ImageProcessingEvent Provides data for the ImageProcessingListener.begin and ImageProcessingListener.end events.
PageImageProcessingEvent Provides data for the ImageProcessingListener.process event.
SaneError Contains the SANE error data.
SaneScanningService The SANE scanning service implementation
SaneServer Enables applications to handle SANE scanning requests.
SaneStatus Provides the status data for the SaneScanningService.getStatus method.
Interface Description
ClientListener The listener interface for receiving client session events.
ICommandCallBack Interface implements callback to run custom user commands.
ICommandService Defines methods for running user commands.
IImageProcessingService Defines generic methods for performing image processing commands on images in the Leadtools.Sane session manager.
ImageProcessingListener The listener interface for receiving image processing events.
ISaneScanningService Defines the methods required to implement the SANE service.
ISaneService Defines basic support for SANE scanning functionality
Help Version 19.0.2017.10.27
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Leadtools.Sane.Server Assembly