Dispose(boolean) |
This member overrides Control.Dispose. |
IsInputKey |
This member overrides Control.IsInputKey. |
OnAddFile |
Raises the AddFile event. |
OnAutoDeselectItemsChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.AutoDeselectItemsChanged event. |
OnAutoDisposeImagesChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.AutoDisposeImagesChanged event. |
OnBorderStyleChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.BorderStyleChanged event. |
OnChanged |
Fire the WatcherChanged event |
OnCodecsChanged |
Raises the CodecsChanged event. |
OnDoubleBufferChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.DoubleBufferChanged event. |
OnDrawItem |
Raises the RasterImageList.DrawItem event. |
OnEnableKeyboardChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.EnableKeyboardChanged event. |
OnEnableRubberBandSelectionChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.EnableRubberBandSelectionChanged event. |
OnErrorThumbnailChanged |
Raises the ErrorThumbnailChanged event. |
OnFinishedLoadingThumbnails |
Raises the FinishedLoadingThumbnails event. |
OnItemBackColorChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemBackColorChanged event. |
OnItemBorderStyleChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemBorderStyleChanged event. |
OnItemForeColorChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemForeColorChanged event. |
OnItemImageBorderStyleChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemImageBorderStyleChanged event. |
OnItemImageSizeChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemImageSizeChanged event. |
OnItemSelectedBackColorChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemSelectedBackColorChanged event. |
OnItemSelectedForeColorChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemSelectedForeColorChanged event. |
OnItemSizeChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemSizeChanged event. |
OnItemSpacingSizeChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ItemSpacingSizeChanged event. |
OnKeyDown |
This member overrides Control.OnKeyDown. |
OnLoadingThumbnailChanged |
Raises the LoadingThumbnailChanged event. |
OnLoadThumbnail |
Raises the LoadThumbnail event. |
OnLostFocus |
This member overrides Control.OnLostFocus. |
OnMouseDown |
This member overrides Control.OnMouseDown. |
OnMouseMove |
This member overrides Control.OnMouseMove. |
OnMouseUp |
This member overrides Control.OnMouseUp. |
OnPaint |
This member overrides Control.OnPaint. |
OnPaintPropertiesChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.PaintPropertiesChanged event. |
OnRefreshStatus |
Fire the RefreshStatus event |
OnRenamed |
Fire the WatcherRenamed event |
OnScroll |
Raises the RasterImageList.Scroll event. |
OnScrollStyleChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.ScrollStyleChanged event. |
OnSelectedIndexChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.SelectedIndexChanged event. |
OnSelectionModeChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.SelectionModeChanged event. |
OnSelectUserImageChanged |
Raises the RasterImageList.SelectUserImageChanged event. |
OnShowItemTextChanged |
Raises the ShowItemTextChanged event. |
OnSizeChanged |
This member overrides Control.OnSizeChanged. |
OnSorterChanged |
Raises the SorterChanged event. |
OnSortingChanged |
Raises the SortingChanged event. |
OnThumbnailSizeFlagsChanged |
Raises the ThumbnailSizeFlagsChanged event. |
OnUseDpiChanged |
Raises the UseDpiChanged event. |
OnViewStyleChanged |
Raises the ViewStyleChanged event. |
WndProc |
This member overrides Control.WndProc. |