Controls how the viewer treats soft line breaks found in the text.
public DocumentViewerLineSelectionMode LineSelectionMode { get; set; }
Controls how the viewer treats soft line breaks found in the text. The default value is DocumentViewerLineSelectionMode.Auto.
When the original text has multiple columns, the last character of each column will have the value of DocumentCharacter.IsLineBreak set to true. Use LineSelectionMode to control how the user interface (in this case, DocumentViewerSelectTextInteractiveMode) selects the text.
If the value is set to Columns and the user clicks and drags the selection area, the line is selected in the column and when a soft line break is encountered, the selection moves to the next line in the column. This continues until the last line in that column in the text is selected and then selection will continue to the adjacent column (if any). This is the recommended behavior for most document types.
If the value is set to FlowText and the user clicks and drags the selection area, the line is selected in the column and and soft line breaks are ignored. Therefore, the adjacent line in the next column is selected next. This behavior is recommended when the text is of tabular nature, such as a spreadsheet.
If the value is set to Auto (the default value), the document viewer uses the current document type to set the line selection mode. This is performed by checking the value of Document.MimeType and based on that value, deciding whether to use Columns or FlowText.
When Auto is selected, the document viewer will use Columns for all document types and FlowText when the document mime type is a Microsoft Excel document (either "application/" or "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet").