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Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Assembly > Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace : IAnnPackage Interface |
public interface IAnnPackage
Public Interface IAnnPackage
public interface IAnnPackage
public interface IAnnPackage
function Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.IAnnPackage()
For a complete example of an annotation pack, refer to the Leadtools.Annotations.UserMedicalPack sample library shipped with LEADTOOLS.
Follow these steps to create an annotation package:
Create the necessary AnnAutomationObject's for your objects. These objects can be stored in your main application or in a separate assembly. For more information, refer to Implement User Defined Objects with LEADTOOLS Annotations
Create a class that implements IAnnPackage, override the GetAutomationObjects method to return an array of your automation objects.
Call the AnnAutomationManager.LoadPackage to use your package.