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IAnnPackage Interface

Provide support for packaging a group of annotation objects.
public interface IAnnPackage 
Public Interface IAnnPackage 
public interface IAnnPackage 
public interface IAnnPackage
function Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.IAnnPackage() 

For a complete example of an annotation pack, refer to the Leadtools.Annotations.UserMedicalPack sample library shipped with LEADTOOLS.

Follow these steps to create an annotation package:

  1. Create the necessary AnnAutomationObject's for your objects. These objects can be stored in your main application or in a separate assembly. For more information, refer to Implement User Defined Objects with LEADTOOLS Annotations

  2. Create a class that implements IAnnPackage, override the GetAutomationObjects method to return an array of your automation objects.

  3. Call the AnnAutomationManager.LoadPackage to use your package.


Target Platforms

See Also


IAnnPackage Members
Leadtools.Annotations.Automation Namespace

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  Leadtools.Annotations.Automation requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features