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Leadtools.Annotations Namespace : AnnRunDesigner Class |
[SerializableAttribute()] public class AnnRunDesigner : AnnDesigner
'Declaration <SerializableAttribute()> Public Class AnnRunDesigner Inherits AnnDesigner
'Usage Dim instance As AnnRunDesigner
[SerializableAttribute()] public ref class AnnRunDesigner : public AnnDesigner
Uses an AnnRunDesigner to handle a button click
Imports Leadtools Imports Leadtools.Annotations Imports Leadtools.Codecs Imports Leadtools.WinForms Private Class MyForm1 : Inherits Form Private myAnnContainer As AnnContainer Private viewer As RasterImageViewer Private codecs As RasterCodecs Private currentDesigner As AnnDesigner Public Sub New(ByVal title As String) Text = title Size = New Size(500, 200) viewer = New RasterImageViewer() AddHandler viewer.TransformChanged, AddressOf viewer_TransformChanged AddHandler viewer.PostImagePaint, AddressOf viewer_PostImagePaint AddHandler viewer.MouseDown, AddressOf viewer_MouseDown AddHandler viewer.MouseMove, AddressOf viewer_MouseMove AddHandler viewer.MouseUp, AddressOf viewer_MouseUp AddHandler viewer.LostFocus, AddressOf viewer_LostFocus ' load an image into the viewer codecs = New RasterCodecs() viewer.Image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "image1.cmp")) ' fix this path to an existing image file on your system ' create and set up the container myAnnContainer = New AnnContainer() myAnnContainer.Bounds = New AnnRectangle(0, 0, viewer.ImageSize.Width, viewer.ImageSize.Height) myAnnContainer.UnitConverter = New AnnUnitConverter(viewer.ImageDpiX, viewer.ImageDpiY) ' Add the viewer viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill Controls.Add(viewer) viewer.BringToFront() ' add a few objects to the container Dim rectObj As AnnRectangleObject = New AnnRectangleObject() rectObj.Bounds = New AnnRectangle(100, 100, 200, 200, AnnUnit.Pixel) rectObj.Pen = New AnnPen(Color.Blue, New AnnLength(2, AnnUnit.Pixel)) rectObj.Brush = New AnnSolidBrush(Color.Yellow) myAnnContainer.Objects.Add(rectObj) Dim buttonObj As AnnButtonObject = New AnnButtonObject() buttonObj.Bounds = New AnnRectangle(100, 320, 200, 24, AnnUnit.Pixel) buttonObj.Text = "Goto Leadtools website" buttonObj.TextColor = Color.Black buttonObj.Font = New AnnFont("Arial", New AnnLength(8, AnnUnit.Point), FontStyle.Regular) buttonObj.Hyperlink = "http://www.leadtools.com" myAnnContainer.Objects.Add(buttonObj) End Sub Private Sub viewer_TransformChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' set up the container transformation If Not viewer.Image Is Nothing AndAlso Not myAnnContainer Is Nothing Then myAnnContainer.Transform = viewer.Transform.Clone() End If End Sub Private Sub viewer_PostImagePaint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) ' draw the container and its objects on this viewer If Not viewer.Image Is Nothing AndAlso Not myAnnContainer Is Nothing Then myAnnContainer.Draw(e.Graphics) End If End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Dim handled As Boolean = False ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then handled = currentDesigner.MouseDown(e) End If If (Not handled) Then ' the mouse click was not handled by a designer ' check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running Dim pt As AnnPoint = New AnnPoint(e.X, e.Y) Dim obj As AnnObject = myAnnContainer.HitTest(pt, 2) If Not obj Is Nothing Then ' yes, start the run designer for this object If TypeOf obj Is AnnButtonObject Then Dim buttonRunDesigner As AnnButtonRunDesigner = New AnnButtonRunDesigner() StartRunning(buttonRunDesigner, obj, e) Else Dim runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner = New AnnRunDesigner() StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e) End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub StartRunning(ByVal runDesigner As AnnRunDesigner, ByVal obj As AnnObject, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) ' set up the current designer AddHandler runDesigner.Run, AddressOf OnDesignerRun runDesigner.Owner = viewer runDesigner.Container = myAnnContainer runDesigner.ClipCursor = True runDesigner.Object = obj runDesigner.HitTestBuffer = 2 runDesigner.Start() currentDesigner = runDesigner currentDesigner.MouseDown(e) End Sub Private Sub OnDesignerRun(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AnnRunDesignerEventArgs) ' show information on the current edit operation Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus) If e.OperationStatus = AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End Then ' check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box If e.Object.Hyperlink Is Nothing OrElse e.Object.Hyperlink = String.Empty Then MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink", e.Object.GetType().Name)) End If End If End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Dim handled As Boolean = False ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then handled = currentDesigner.MouseMove(e) End If End Sub Private Sub viewer_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Dim handled As Boolean = False ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then handled = currentDesigner.MouseUp(e) End If End Sub Private Sub viewer_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ' see if a designer is currently running, if so, cancel it If Not currentDesigner Is Nothing Then currentDesigner.Cancel() End If End Sub End Class Public Sub AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(ByVal title As String) Dim form As MyForm1 = New MyForm1(title) form.ShowDialog() End Sub Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images" End Class
using Leadtools; using Leadtools.Annotations; using Leadtools.Codecs; using Leadtools.WinForms; class MyForm1 : Form { AnnContainer container; RasterImageViewer viewer; RasterCodecs codecs; AnnDesigner currentDesigner; public MyForm1(string title) { Text = title; Size = new Size(500, 200); viewer = new RasterImageViewer(); viewer.TransformChanged += new EventHandler(viewer_TransformChanged); viewer.PostImagePaint += new PaintEventHandler(viewer_PostImagePaint); viewer.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(viewer_MouseDown); viewer.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(viewer_MouseMove); viewer.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(viewer_MouseUp); viewer.LostFocus += new EventHandler(viewer_LostFocus); // load an image into the viewer codecs = new RasterCodecs(); string fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "image1.cmp"); viewer.Image = codecs.Load(fileName); // create and set up the container container = new AnnContainer(); container.Bounds = new AnnRectangle(0, 0, viewer.ImageSize.Width, viewer.ImageSize.Height); container.UnitConverter = new AnnUnitConverter(viewer.ImageDpiX, viewer.ImageDpiY); // Add the viewer viewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Controls.Add(viewer); viewer.BringToFront(); // add a few objects to the container AnnRectangleObject rectObj = new AnnRectangleObject(); rectObj.Bounds = new AnnRectangle(100, 100, 200, 200, AnnUnit.Pixel); rectObj.Pen = new AnnPen(Color.Blue, new AnnLength(2, AnnUnit.Pixel)); rectObj.Brush = new AnnSolidBrush(Color.Yellow); container.Objects.Add(rectObj); AnnButtonObject buttonObj = new AnnButtonObject(); buttonObj.Bounds = new AnnRectangle(100, 320, 200, 24, AnnUnit.Pixel); buttonObj.Text = "Goto Leadtools website"; buttonObj.TextColor = Color.Black; buttonObj.Font = new AnnFont("Arial", new AnnLength(8, AnnUnit.Point), FontStyle.Regular); buttonObj.Hyperlink = @"http://www.leadtools.com"; container.Objects.Add(buttonObj); } private void viewer_TransformChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // set up the container transformation if(viewer.Image != null && container != null) container.Transform = viewer.Transform.Clone(); } private void viewer_PostImagePaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { // draw the container and its objects on this viewer if(viewer.Image != null && container != null) container.Draw(e.Graphics); } private void viewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { bool handled = false; // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event if(currentDesigner != null) handled = currentDesigner.MouseDown(e); if(!handled) { // the mouse click was not handled by a designer // check if the click was on top of an existing object that we can start running AnnPoint pt = new AnnPoint(e.X, e.Y); AnnObject obj = container.HitTest(pt, 2); if(obj != null) { // yes, start the run designer for this object if(obj is AnnButtonObject) { AnnButtonRunDesigner buttonRunDesigner = new AnnButtonRunDesigner(); StartRunning(buttonRunDesigner, obj, e); } else { AnnRunDesigner runDesigner = new AnnRunDesigner(); StartRunning(runDesigner, obj, e); } } } } private void StartRunning(AnnRunDesigner runDesigner, AnnObject obj, MouseEventArgs e) { // set up the current designer runDesigner.Run += new EventHandler<AnnRunDesignerEventArgs>(OnDesignerRun); runDesigner.Owner = viewer; runDesigner.Container = container; runDesigner.ClipCursor = true; runDesigner.Object = obj; runDesigner.HitTestBuffer = 2; runDesigner.Start(); currentDesigner = runDesigner; currentDesigner.MouseDown(e); } private void OnDesignerRun(object sender, AnnRunDesignerEventArgs e) { // show information on the current edit operation Console.WriteLine("Object: {0}, Status: {1}, ", e.Object.GetType().Name, e.OperationStatus); if(e.OperationStatus == AnnDesignerOperationStatus.End) { // check if the object does not have a hyperlink, if so, show a message box if(e.Object.Hyperlink == null || e.Object.Hyperlink == string.Empty) MessageBox.Show(String.Format("You clicked an object of type {0} that does not have a hyperlink", e.Object.GetType().Name)); } } private void viewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { bool handled = false; // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event if(currentDesigner != null) handled = currentDesigner.MouseMove(e); } private void viewer_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { bool handled = false; // see if a designer is currently running, if so, let it handle this event if(currentDesigner != null) handled = currentDesigner.MouseUp(e); } private void viewer_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e) { // see if a designer is currently running, if so, cancel it if(currentDesigner != null) currentDesigner.Cancel(); } } public void AnnRunDesigner_AnnRunDesigner(string title) { MyForm1 form = new MyForm1(title); form.ShowDialog(); } static class LEAD_VARS { public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; }