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Leadtools.Services.Barcode.DataContracts Namespace : Barcode1dAdvancedFlags Enumeration |
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Barcode.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="Barcode1dAdvancedFlags")] [FlagsAttribute()] public enum Barcode1dAdvancedFlags : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
'Declaration <DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Barcode.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="Barcode1dAdvancedFlags")> <FlagsAttribute()> Public Enum Barcode1dAdvancedFlags Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
'Usage Dim instance As Barcode1dAdvancedFlags
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Barcode.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="Barcode1dAdvancedFlags")] [FlagsAttribute()] public enum class Barcode1dAdvancedFlags : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Value | Member | Description |
0x0 | Barcode1dAustralianCifC | Uses C-Table to encode/decode Australian post customer information filed (CIF). Use with both Read and Write methods. |
0x1 | Barcode1dRss14Linkage | Set linkage bit for GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14), GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Limited, GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded, GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Stacked, and GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked. Used with Write operation only. Type RSS14 is now GS1 Databar. All references to RSS14 now refer to GS1 Databar. |
0x2 | Barcode1dRss14StackedOmni | Writes GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) two-row in GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Stacked Omni-directional format. If it is not set, GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Stacked format will be written. Use with Write operation only. |
0x4 | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows1 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked barcode into 1 row. Use with Write operation only. |
0x8 | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows2 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked barcode into 2 rows. Use with Write operation only |
0xC | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows3 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14)Expanded Stacked barcode into 3 rows. Use with Write operation only. |
0x10 | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows4 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked barcode into 4 rows. Use with Write operation only. |
0x14 | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows5 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked barcode into 5 rows. Use with Write operation only. |
0x18 | Barcode1dRss14ExpandedStackedRows6 | Writes the GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Expanded Stacked barcode into 6 rows. Use with Write operation only. |
0x40 | Barcode1dAustralianCifN | Uses N-Table to encode/decode Australian post customer information filed (CIF). Use with both Read and Write methods. |
0x80 | Barcode1dAustralianCifS | No table is used to encode/decode Australian post customer information filed (CIF). The Read operation will read the CIF bar states allowing users to use their own table to decode the information. For the Write operation, the user must enter the state value for all CIF bars (16 bars for FCC 59 and 31 bars for FCC 62.) State values are either 0 (H), 1 (A), 2 (D), or 3 (T). Use with both Read and Write methods. |
0x100 | Barcode1dRss14Truncated | Writes GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) Truncated. When this flag is not set, GS1 Databar (formerly RSS14) standard will be written. Used with Write operation only. |