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ImageViewerViewLayout Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ImageViewerViewLayout.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
ImageViewerViewLayout Initializes a new instance of ImageViewerViewLayout.

Public Methods

Name Description
ToString Gets a friendly name of this layout.
UpdateTransform Called by ImageViewer.UpdateTransform to move and size the items in the layout.

Protected Methods

Name Description
AlignColumn Align the items to even distances in a column.
AlignHeights Helper method to align the heights of the items and return the largest value.
AlignRow Align the items to even distances in a row.
AlignWidths Helper method to align the widths of the items and return the largest value.

Public Properties

Name Description
Name Friendly name of this layout
SizeModeHeight Height of the layout in pixels
SizeModeHeightItemCount Number of items in the largest row.
SizeModeWidth Width of the layout in pixels
SizeModeWidthItemCount Number of items in the largest column.
Vectors Gets a list of the perpendicular vectors of the view layout.
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