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PinchStarted Event

Occurs when the user starts a pinch operation.
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type InteractivePinchStartedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following InteractivePinchStartedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Angle Angle between the original and current positions.
Distance Distance between the original and current positions.
IsHandled (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveEventArgs)Indicates whether this event is handled.
MouseButton (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveEventArgs)Mouse button that triggered this event.
NativeEvent (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveEventArgs)Native event associated with this event.
Origin (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveEventArgs)Original mouse or touch position.
Origin2 (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveMultiTouchEventArgs)Position of the origin for the second touch.
Position (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveEventArgs)Current mouse or touch position.
Position2 (Inherited from Leadtools.Controls.InteractiveMultiTouchEventArgs)Current position of the second touch.

Pinch events are only supported by touch devices.

The PinchStarted event will fire when any of the following occurs:


Target Platforms

See Also


InteractiveService Class
InteractiveService Members

Error processing SSI file