Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS Image File Support (Leadtools.Codecs assembly)

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CodecsRawOptions Class

Provides extra options for loading and saving RAW Data images.
Object Model
public class CodecsRawOptions 
Public Class CodecsRawOptions 
Dim instance As CodecsRawOptions
public sealed class CodecsRawOptions 
@interface LTCodecsRawOptions : NSObject
public class CodecsRawOptions
function Leadtools.Codecs.CodecsRawOptions()
public ref class CodecsRawOptions 
Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs

Private Structure RawData
   Public Width As Integer ' Width of image
   Public Height As Integer ' Height of image
   Public BitsPerPixel As Integer ' Bits per pixel of image--if palettized, a gray palette is generated
   Public ViewPerspective As RasterViewPerspective ' View perspective of raw data (TopLeft, BottomLeft, etc)
   Public Order As RasterByteOrder ' Rgb or Bgr
   Public XResolution As Integer ' Horizontal resolution in DPI
   Public YResolution As Integer ' Vertical resolution in DPI
   Public Offset As Integer ' Offset into file where raw data begins
   Public Padding As Boolean ' true if each line of data is padded to four bytes
   Public ReverseBits As Boolean ' true if the bits of each byte are reversed
End Structure
Private myRawData As RawData

Private Sub codecs_LoadInformation(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs)
   ' Set the information
   e.Format = RasterImageFormat.Raw
   e.Width = myRawData.Width
   e.Height = myRawData.Height
   e.BitsPerPixel = myRawData.BitsPerPixel
   e.XResolution = myRawData.XResolution
   e.YResolution = myRawData.YResolution
   e.Offset = myRawData.Offset

   If myRawData.Padding Then
      e.Pad4 = True
   End If

   e.Order = myRawData.Order

   If myRawData.ReverseBits Then
      e.LeastSignificantBitFirst = True
   End If

   e.ViewPerspective = myRawData.ViewPerspective

   ' If image is palettized create a grayscale palette
   If e.BitsPerPixel <= 8 Then
      Dim colors As Integer = 1 << e.BitsPerPixel
      Dim palette As RasterColor() = New RasterColor(colors - 1) {}
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Do While i < palette.Length
         Dim val As Byte = CByte((i * 255) / (colors - 1))
         palette(i) = New RasterColor(val, val, val)
         i += 1

   End If
End Sub

Public Sub CodecsRawOptionsExample()
   Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

   ' First, load a JPEG or CMP file
   Dim image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp"))

   ' Save this image as RAW data

   ' Set RAW options
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.Pad4 = True
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.ReverseBits = True
   codecs.Options.Save.OptimizedPalette = True

   Dim rawFileName As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Test.raw")
   codecs.Save(image, rawFileName, RasterImageFormat.Raw, 0)

   ' Save information about this image so we can use it to load the RAW file
   myRawData = New RawData()
   myRawData.Width = image.Width
   myRawData.Height = image.Height
   myRawData.BitsPerPixel = image.BitsPerPixel
   myRawData.ViewPerspective = image.ViewPerspective
   myRawData.Order = image.Order
   myRawData.XResolution = image.XResolution
   myRawData.YResolution = image.YResolution
   myRawData.Offset = 0
   myRawData.Padding = True
   myRawData.ReverseBits = True

   ' We dont need the image anymore

   ' Now load this RAW image back

   ' First subscribe to the LoadInformation event so we can set the image information
   AddHandler codecs.LoadInformation, AddressOf codecs_LoadInformation

   ' Load the image
   image = codecs.Load(rawFileName)
   codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "raw.bmp"), RasterImageFormat.Bmp, image.BitsPerPixel)
   ' Unsubscribe from the event
   RemoveHandler codecs.LoadInformation, AddressOf codecs_LoadInformation

   ' Clean up
End Sub

Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;

private struct RawData
   public int Width;                               // Width of image
   public int Height;                              // Height of image
   public int BitsPerPixel;                        // Bits per pixel of image--if palettized, a gray palette is generated
   public RasterViewPerspective ViewPerspective;   // View perspective of raw data (TopLeft, BottomLeft, etc)
   public RasterByteOrder Order;                   // Rgb or Bgr
   public int XResolution;                         // Horizontal resolution in DPI
   public int YResolution;                         // Vertical resolution in DPI
   public int Offset;                              // Offset into file where raw data begins
   public bool Padding;                            // true if each line of data is padded to four bytes
   public bool ReverseBits;                        // true if the bits of each byte are reversed 
private RawData myRawData;

private void codecs_LoadInformation(object sender, CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs e)
   // Set the information
   e.Format = RasterImageFormat.Raw;
   e.Width = myRawData.Width;
   e.Height = myRawData.Height;
   e.BitsPerPixel = myRawData.BitsPerPixel;
   e.XResolution = myRawData.XResolution;
   e.YResolution = myRawData.YResolution;
   e.Offset = myRawData.Offset;

   if (myRawData.Padding)
      e.Pad4 = true;

   e.Order = myRawData.Order;

   if (myRawData.ReverseBits)
      e.LeastSignificantBitFirst = true;

   e.ViewPerspective = myRawData.ViewPerspective;

   // If image is palettized create a grayscale palette
   if (e.BitsPerPixel <= 8)
      int colors = 1 << e.BitsPerPixel;
      RasterColor[] palette = new RasterColor[colors];
      for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; i++)
         byte val = (byte)((i * 255) / (colors - 1));
         palette[i] = new RasterColor(val, val, val);


public void CodecsRawOptionsExample()
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

   // First, load a JPEG or CMP file
   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Image1.cmp"));

   // Save this image as RAW data

   // Set RAW options
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.Pad4 = true;
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.ReverseBits = true;
   codecs.Options.Save.OptimizedPalette = true;

   string rawFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Test.raw");
   codecs.Save(image, rawFileName, RasterImageFormat.Raw, 0);

   // Save information about this image so we can use it to load the RAW file
   myRawData = new RawData();
   myRawData.Width = image.Width;
   myRawData.Height = image.Height;
   myRawData.BitsPerPixel = image.BitsPerPixel;
   myRawData.ViewPerspective = image.ViewPerspective;
   myRawData.Order = image.Order;
   myRawData.XResolution = image.XResolution;
   myRawData.YResolution = image.YResolution;
   myRawData.Offset = 0;
   myRawData.Padding = true;
   myRawData.ReverseBits = true;

   // We dont need the image anymore

   // Now load this RAW image back

   // First subscribe to the LoadInformation event so we can set the image information
   codecs.LoadInformation += new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);

   // Load the image
   image = codecs.Load(rawFileName);
   codecs.Save(image, Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "raw.bmp"), RasterImageFormat.Bmp, image.BitsPerPixel);
   // Unsubscribe from the event
   codecs.LoadInformation -= new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);

   // Clean up

static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.Examples;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;

private struct RawData
   public int Width;                               // Width of image
   public int Height;                              // Height of image
   public int BitsPerPixel;                        // Bits per pixel of image--if palettized, a gray palette is generated
   public RasterViewPerspective ViewPerspective;   // View perspective of raw data (TopLeft, BottomLeft, etc)
   public RasterByteOrder Order;                   // Rgb or Bgr
   public int XResolution;                         // Horizontal resolution in DPI
   public int YResolution;                         // Vertical resolution in DPI
   public int Offset;                              // Offset into file where raw data begins
   public bool Padding;                            // true if each line of data is padded to four bytes
   public bool ReverseBits;                        // true if the bits of each byte are reversed 
private RawData myRawData;

private void codecs_LoadInformation(object sender, CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs e)
   // Set the information
   e.Format = RasterImageFormat.Raw;
   e.Width = myRawData.Width;
   e.Height = myRawData.Height;
   e.BitsPerPixel = myRawData.BitsPerPixel;
   e.XResolution = myRawData.XResolution;
   e.YResolution = myRawData.YResolution;
   e.Offset = myRawData.Offset;

   if (myRawData.Padding)
      e.Pad4 = true;

   e.Order = myRawData.Order;

   if (myRawData.ReverseBits)
      e.LeastSignificantBitFirst = true;

   e.ViewPerspective = myRawData.ViewPerspective;

   // If image is palettized create a grayscale palette
   if (e.BitsPerPixel <= 8)
      int colors = 1 << e.BitsPerPixel;
      RasterColor[] palette = new RasterColor[colors];
      for (int i = 0; i < palette.Length; i++)
         byte val = (byte)((i * 255) / (colors - 1));
         palette[i] = new RasterColor(val, val, val);


public void CodecsRawOptionsExample(Stream inStreamCmp, Stream outStreamRaw, Stream outStreamBmp)
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();

   // First, load a JPEG or CMP file
   RasterImage image = codecs.Load(inStreamCmp);

   // Save this image as RAW data

   // Set RAW options
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.Pad4 = true;
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.ReverseBits = true;
   codecs.Options.Save.OptimizedPalette = true;

   codecs.Save(image, outStreamRaw, RasterImageFormat.Raw, 0);

   // Save information about this image so we can use it to load the RAW file
   myRawData = new RawData();
   myRawData.Width = image.Width;
   myRawData.Height = image.Height;
   myRawData.BitsPerPixel = image.BitsPerPixel;
   myRawData.ViewPerspective = image.ViewPerspective;
   myRawData.Order = image.Order;
   myRawData.XResolution = image.XResolution;
   myRawData.YResolution = image.YResolution;
   myRawData.Offset = 0;
   myRawData.Padding = true;
   myRawData.ReverseBits = true;

   // We dont need the image anymore

   // Now load this RAW image back

   // First subscribe to the LoadInformation event so we can set the image information
   codecs.LoadInformation += new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);

   // Load the image
   image = codecs.Load(outStreamRaw);

   // Save the image
   codecs.Save(image, outStreamBmp, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, image.BitsPerPixel);
   // Unsubscribe from the event
   codecs.LoadInformation -= new EventHandler<CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs>(codecs_LoadInformation);

   // Clean up
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.ImageProcessing

Private Structure RawData
   Public Width As Integer ' Width of image
   Public Height As Integer ' Height of image
   Public BitsPerPixel As Integer ' Bits per pixel of image--if palettized, a gray palette is generated
   Public ViewPerspective As RasterViewPerspective ' View perspective of raw data (TopLeft, BottomLeft, etc)
   Public Order As RasterByteOrder ' Rgb or Bgr
   Public XResolution As Integer ' Horizontal resolution in DPI
   Public YResolution As Integer ' Vertical resolution in DPI
   Public Offset As Integer ' Offset into file where raw data begins
   Public Padding As Boolean ' true if each line of data is padded to four bytes
   Public ReverseBits As Boolean ' true if the bits of each byte are reversed
End Structure
Private myRawData As RawData

Private Sub codecs_LoadInformation(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CodecsLoadInformationEventArgs)
   ' Set the information
   e.Format = RasterImageFormat.Raw
   e.Width = myRawData.Width
   e.Height = myRawData.Height
   e.BitsPerPixel = myRawData.BitsPerPixel
   e.XResolution = myRawData.XResolution
   e.YResolution = myRawData.YResolution
   e.Offset = myRawData.Offset

   If myRawData.Padding Then
      e.Pad4 = True
   End If

   e.Order = myRawData.Order

   If myRawData.ReverseBits Then
      e.LeastSignificantBitFirst = True
   End If

   e.ViewPerspective = myRawData.ViewPerspective

   ' If image is palettized create a grayscale palette
   If e.BitsPerPixel <= 8 Then
      Dim colors As Integer = 1 << e.BitsPerPixel
      Dim palette As RasterColor() = New RasterColor(colors - 1){}
      Dim i As Integer = 0
      Do While i < palette.Length
         Dim val As Byte = CByte((i * 255) / (colors - 1))
         palette(i) = New RasterColor(val, val, val)
         i += 1

   End If
End Sub

Public Sub CodecsRawOptionsExample(ByVal inStreamCmp As Stream, ByVal outStreamRaw As Stream, ByVal outStreamBmp As Stream)
   Dim codecs As RasterCodecs = New RasterCodecs()

   ' First, load a JPEG or CMP file
   Dim image As RasterImage = codecs.Load(inStreamCmp)

   ' Save this image as RAW data

   ' Set RAW options
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.Pad4 = True
   codecs.Options.Raw.Save.ReverseBits = True
   codecs.Options.Save.OptimizedPalette = True

   codecs.Save(image, outStreamRaw, RasterImageFormat.Raw, 0)

   ' Save information about this image so we can use it to load the RAW file
   myRawData = New RawData()
   myRawData.Width = image.Width
   myRawData.Height = image.Height
   myRawData.BitsPerPixel = image.BitsPerPixel
   myRawData.ViewPerspective = image.ViewPerspective
   myRawData.Order = image.Order
   myRawData.XResolution = image.XResolution
   myRawData.YResolution = image.YResolution
   myRawData.Offset = 0
   myRawData.Padding = True
   myRawData.ReverseBits = True

   ' We dont need the image anymore

   ' Now load this RAW image back

   ' First subscribe to the LoadInformation event so we can set the image information
   AddHandler codecs.LoadInformation, AddressOf codecs_LoadInformation

   ' Load the image
   image = codecs.Load(outStreamRaw)

   ' Save the image
   codecs.Save(image, outStreamBmp, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, image.BitsPerPixel)
   ' Unsubscribe from the event
   RemoveHandler codecs.LoadInformation, AddressOf codecs_LoadInformation

   ' Clean up
End Sub

Target Platforms

See Also


CodecsRawOptions Members
Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

Error processing SSI file