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ModalityType Enumeration

Specifies the DICOM modality.
Public Enum ModalityType 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable 
Dim instance As ModalityType
public enum class ModalityType : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
0x00000000CR Computed Radiography.
0x00000001CT Computed Tomography.
0x00000002MR Magnetic Resonance.
0x00000003NM Nuclear Medicine.
0x00000004US Ultra Sound.
0x00000005OT Other.
0x00000006BI Biomagnetic Imaging.
0x00000007CD Color Flow Doppler-Retired 2008.
0x00000008DD Duplex Doppler-Retired 2008.
0x00000009DG Diaphanography.
0x0000000AES Endoscopy.
0x0000000BLS Laser Surface Scan.
0x0000000CPT Positron Emission Tomography.
0x0000000DRG Radiographic Imaging (conventional film screen).
0x0000000EST Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography - Retired 2008.
0x0000000FTG Thermography.
0x00000010XA X-Ray Angiography.
0x00000011RF Radio Fluoroscopy.
0x00000012RTIMAGE Radiotherapy Image.
0x00000013RTDOSE Radiotherapy Dose.
0x00000014RTSTRUCT Radiotherapy Structure Set.
0x00000015RTPLAN Radiotherapy Plan.
0x00000016RTRECORD RT Treatment Record.
0x00000017HC Hard Copy.
0x00000018DX Digital Radiography.
0x00000019MG Mammography.
0x0000001AIO Intra-oral Radiography.
0x0000001BPX Panoramic X-Ray.
0x0000001CGM General Microscopy.
0x0000001DSM Slide Microscopy.
0x0000001EXC External Camera (Photography).
0x0000001FPR Presentation State.
0x00000020AU Audio.
0x00000021ECG Electrocardiograms.
0x00000022EPS Cardiac Electrophysiology.
0x00000023HD Hemodynamic Waveform.
0x00000024SR Structured Reporting.
0x00000025IVUS Intravascular Ultrasound.
0x00000026DS Digital Subtraction Angiography Retired
0x00000027CF Cinefluorography (retired).
0x00000028DF Digital Fluoroscopy (retired).
0x00000029VF Videofluorography (retired).
0x0000002AAS Angioscopy Retired.
0x0000002BCS Cystoscopy-Retired
0x0000002CEC Echocardiography Retired.
0x0000002DLP Laparoscopy Retired.
0x0000002EFA Fluorescein Angiography Retired.
0x0000002FCP Colposcopy Retired.
0x00000030DM Digital Microscopy.
0x00000031FS Fundoscopy Retired.
0x00000032MA Magnetic resonance angiography Retired.
0x00000033MS Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Retired.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Dicom.Common.DataTypes Namespace

Error processing SSI file
   Leadtools.Dicom.Common requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features