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ServerFeatures Class


For a list of all members of this type, see ServerFeatures members

Public Fields

Name Description
ExternalStore Determines if the server supports the ExternalStore Addin functionality of the DICOM PACS Framework Server.
Forwarding Determines of the server supports forwarding of received DICOM datasets.
Gateway Determines if the server supports querying and moving via a gateway DICOM PACS Framework Server.
GeneralFunctionality Determines if the server supports baseline functionality in the PACS Framework Server.
MaxConcurrentConnections Maximum concurrent connections that can be handled by the PACS Framework Server.
MaxConfigurableClients Maximum number of clients (ae titles) that can be configured for the PACS Framework Server.
MaxSeriesStored Maximum number of series that can be stored by the PACS Framework Server.
MaxStudiesStored Maximum number of studies that can be stored by the PACS Framework Server.
Rules Determines if the server supports the Rules Addin functionality of the DICOM PACS Framework Server.
Worklist Determines if the server supports the Worklist Addin functionality of the DICOM PACS Framework Server.
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Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Assembly
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