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DocumentPageText Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentPageText.

Public Constructors

Name Description
DocumentPageText Initializes a new instance of DocumentPageText.

Public Methods

Name Description
BuildText Build the text found in the document page as a simple string object.
BuildTextWithMap Build the text found in the document page with extra map back into the characters list.
BuildWords Build a list of the words found in the document page.
ClearBuildData Clears the generated words, text and map values.
ClipText Creates a new DocumentPageText from a portion of this text data.
FromSvgDocument Parses the text from an SVG document.
ParseLinks Parses the links found in this DocumentText.

Public Properties

Name Description
Characters The list of text characters found in the document page.
Text The text found in the document page.
TextMap List that contains the indices into Characters of each character in Text
Words The list of text words found in the document page.
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