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Leadtools.Forms.Processing Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Forms Processing classes, enumerations, and structures.

Class Description
BarcodeFormField A single rectangular region on a form.
BarcodeFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the barcode field.
FormField The base class for all form fields. Any form field, either predefined or user-defined, should implement FormField.
FormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the field. The base class for all form field result classes.
FormPage Specifies the page properties and fields for a Master Form.
FormPages Collection of FormPage objects.
FormProcessingEngine Class that contains the processing engine used to perform field processing.
FormProcessingOptions Options for the FormProcessingEngine.Process method.
ImageFormField A single rectangular region on a form that defines an image area on a blank (not filled-in) form to be used when an image reading process is performed on the filled form during form processing.
ImageFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the image field.
OcrFormField The base class for all text, OMR and OCR fields. Any OCR form field, whether predefined or user-defined, should implement OcrFormField.
OcrFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the OCR field.
OmrFormField A single rectangular region on a form that defines an OMR (optical mark) area on a blank (not filled-in) form so that an OMR reading process can be performed on the filled form during form processing.
OmrFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the OMR field.
PageProcessingOptions Options for the FormProcessingEngine.ProcessPage method.
ProcessFieldEventArgs Handles each field processed by the FormProcessingEngine.
ProcessPageEventArgs Handles each page processed by FormProcessingEngine.
TableColumn A column of TableFormField.
TableFormField A single rectangular region on a form that extended to defines a table/invoice area on a table header (not filled-in) form so a text reading process can be performed on the filled form during form processing on the recognized fields to the end of the invoice area.
TableFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the table field.
TableFormRow The row containing the recognized fields in the table.
TextFormField A single rectangular region on a form that defines a text area on a blank (not filled-in) form so a text reading process can be performed on the filled form during form processing.
TextFormFieldResult Provides the results of processing the text field.
UnStructuredTextFormField A class that represents a rectangular region (as well as the label to the left of the region) that defines an area on a form that can be filled in with text and read during form processing. Unlike the TextFormField, this class does not have a fixed, pre-defined structure.
Structure Description
BarcodeFieldData This class contains barcode data information that have been read inside the field.
Enumeration Description
DropoutFlag Values that represent the Dropout options for a form field.
FieldAlignment Values that represent the alignment of columns/fields in a table.
FormFieldStatus Values that describe the status of field processing.
OcrTextType Values that indicate the different text field types.
TableRules Values that represent the rules that will be used to help recognizing Table fields.
TextFieldType Values that represent the type of text being used in the Text Field.
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Leadtools.Forms.Processing Assembly
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