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LogicalRectangle Structure


For a list of all members of this type, see LogicalRectangle members

Public Methods

Name Description
Contains Determines if the rectangular region represented by rect is entirely contained within this LogicalRectangle structure.
Convert Returns this LogicalRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified destination unit of measure.
ConvertTo Returns this LogicalRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified destination unit of measure.
Equals Determines whether the specified object equals this LogicalRectangle object.
FromLTRB Returns a LogicalRectangle structure with the specified edge locations and unit of measure.
FromRectangle Returns a LogicalRectangle structure with the specified Leadtools.LeadRect in Leadtools.Forms.LogicalUnit.Pixel.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this LogicalRectangle structure.
Inflate Inflates this LogicalRectangle structure by the specified amount.
Intersect Returns an LogicalRectangle structure that represents the intersection of two rectangles. If there is no intersection, an empty rectangle is returned.
IntersectsWith Determines if this rectangle intersects with a test rectangle.
Offset Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amount.
ToRectangle Returns a Leadtools.LeadRect that represents this LogicalRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in Leadtools.Forms.LogicalUnit.Pixel.
ToString Converts the attributes of this LogicalRectangle to a human-readable string.
Union Gets a Rectangle structure that contains the union of two Rectangle structures.
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