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ISchemaItem Interface Members


The following tables list the members exposed by ISchemaItem.

Public Methods

Name Description
CreateInstance Creates an object of the contained item structure

Public Properties

Name Description
AllParentsAreMandatory Gets a boolean value that is true if all parent nodes are mandatory.
AnyParentAllowsRepeating Gets a boolean value that is true if any parent node can have repetitions.
ChoiceElement Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this is a choice element.
Depth Gets the number of levels for this item.
Description Gets or sets the item's description.
FullPath Constructs a string of the node's full path, including all parent nodes.
IsField Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this is a field element. Returns true if this is a field element.
IsGroup Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this is a group element.
IsMessage Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this is a message element.
ItemName Gets or sets the item's name.
Mandatory Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this is an element that is required.
MappedFrom Gets or sets the name of the class that this schema is contained in. For example, "Message".
ParentNode Gets or sets the parent's INodeItem.
ParentSchema Gets the parent node's schema object
Repeating Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this element can be repeated.
RepetitionContainerNode Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this element is a repetition container only with no other functionalities.
StructureDefOnlyNode Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether this element is a structure (schema) definition only item.
tf Gets or sets the item's TypeFactory for the item containing this schema.
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