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ImageOptimizerOptions Structure


For a list of all members of this type, see ImageOptimizerOptions members

Public Properties

Name Description
Default Gets the default optimization options used by LEADTOOLS for optimizing an image.
Distance Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between image colors to be reduced in the image optimization operation.
JpegColorSpace Gets or sets the value that represents the color space to be used in the image optimization operation.
JpegQualityFactor Gets or sets a value that represents the quality factor to be used when optimizing an image.
Percent Gets or sets the value that represents the percent redundancy to be used in the image optimization operation.
PickSamePalette Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to generate a unique global palette for all GIF frames or generate a separate palette for each frame.
PngQualityFactor Gets or sets the value that represents the quality factor to be used in the image optimization operation.
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