Leadtools.Annotations.Documents Classes


Overview and description of Leadtools Annotations Documents classes.

Class Description
AnnBatesDateTime Defines a Bates stamp date time element.
AnnBatesElementCollection Represents a dynamic collection of IAnnBatesElement's and provides notifications when items are added or removed.
AnnBatesNumber Defines a Bates stamp number element
AnnBatesStamp Defines a Bates stamp that is composed from a list of Bates stamp elements with different types.
AnnBatesStampCollection Represents a dynamic collection of AnnBatesStamp's and provides notifications when items are added or removed.
AnnBatesStampComposer AnnBatesStampComposer is the main part for Bates stamping operation as it connects annotations containers with Bates stamp objects.
AnnBatesStampLogo Defines a logo that can be drawn for the Bates stamp components.
AnnBatesStampTranslator AnnBatesStampTranslator defines a translator that converts the Bates stamp elements to a string expression. Converts from a string expression to Bates stamp elementsthat can be saved and loaded using AnnBatesStampComposer.
AnnBatesText Defines a Bates stamp text element
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Leadtools.Annotations.Documents Assembly
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