gotoPage Method (DocumentViewer)


Go to the specified page.


JavaScript Syntax
DocumentViewer.prototype.gotoPage = function(pageNumber)
TypeScript Syntax
gotoPage(pageNumber: number): void;



1-based number of the page to go to.


This method moves the view to the page specified by performing the following:

  1. Finds the ImageViewerItem that corresponds to the page number in the imageViewer - 1

  2. Sets this as the ActiveItem

  3. Calls View.ImageViewer.GotoItem

  4. If thumbnails are used: Ensures that the thumbnail for the page is visible by calling Thumbnails.ImageViewer.EnsureItemVisible

  5. If annotations are used: Sets the corresponding AnnContainer as the ActiveContainer


Start with the example created in DocumentViewer, remove all the code in the Example function and add the code below.

When the user clicks the Example button, we will go to the next page till we reach the last one.

JavaScript Example
if (this._documentViewer.currentPageNumber < this._documentViewer.pageCount) { 
   this._documentViewer.gotoPage(this._documentViewer.currentPageNumber + 1); 
} else { 
   alert("You reached the last page"); 


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