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LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip assembly)

Show in webframe

MetaReqQualifier Enumeration

Metadata request qualifier flags
Public Enum MetaReqQualifier 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable 
Dim instance As MetaReqQualifier


public enum class MetaReqQualifier : public System.Enum, System.IComparableSystem.IConvertibleSystem.IFormattable  
0x00000001None Invalid metareq value.
0x00000002AsocViewWindowBoxes(0x0000002) This metareq context includes all boxes which are known to be associated with a specific spatial image region
0x00000004AsocViewWindowCodestreamBoxes This metareq context includes all boxes which are known to be associated with one or more codestreams which belong to the view-window, or with one or more of the requested codestream contexts (e.g., JPX compositing layers or MJ2 video tracks), where these boxes are not solely associated with particular spatial regions.
0x00000008RelvViewWindowCodestreamBoxes This metareq context includes all boxes which are relevant to the requested view-window, taking into account the requested codestreams and the requested codestream contexts, excluding those boxes which are included in the .AsocViewWindowBoxes and .AsocViewWindowCodestreamBoxes metareq contexts.
0x00000010AllBoxes This metareq context includes all boxes in the logical target, without exception.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Jpip Namespace

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Jpip requires a Document or Medical and a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features