Sets the status of a job to Jobstatus.Failed.
ID (GUID) of the job to update.
Error code for the job.
Error message for the job.
Metadata which contains information on how this job should be processed.
A JobStatus that represents the new status of the specified job.
Use this method to set the status of a job to Jobstatus.Failed. If the job is not found, Jobstatus.NotFound will be returned.
If an empty string is passed for the jobMetadata parameter the existing job metadata for the job is maintained. For more information on how the jobMetadata property is used, refer to Understanding The LEADTOOLS Job Processor Database.
Refer to the OCRJobProcessorDemo. Depending on the programming language being used, the demo will be found in either the <installationdir>\Examples\DotNet\CS\OCRJobProcessorDemo directory. or the <installationdir>\Examples\DotNet\VB\OCRJobProcessorDemo directory. The <installationdir> represents the directory in which you installed the LEADTOOLS toolkit.
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