Extracts the specified frames from the input file, and saves them to a new JPEG 2000 file. This method is available in the Document/Medical Toolkits.
System.String containing the name of the JPEG 2000 file from which the frames are being extracted.
System.String containing the name of the JPEG 2000 file to be used to save the extracted frames. This file will contain only the extracted frames.
Frame indices. A list of integers specifying the indices of the frames to be extracted from the input file. All indices should be 0-based.
. This file contains only the extracted frame headers/code streams (not any obtained through the decompressing/recompressing process) so it saves processor time and memory.
This method is very suitable for server applications where multiple clients request specific frames of a JPEG 2000 file. Instead of decompressing and then recompressing the frames this method copies only the needed frame data, saving the data to a new JPEG 2000 file.
For an example, refer to Jpeg2000Engine.AppendGmlData example.
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