Error processing SSI file
LEADTOOLS JPEG 2000 (Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms assembly)

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JpipRasterImageViewer Class

Represents a LEADTOOLS control for the remote interactive browsing, loading and displaying of JPEG2000 images using the JPEG2000 Interactive Protocol (JPIP) protocol.
Object Model
The JpipRasterImageViewer is a JPIP client that can establish a connection with a JPIP server, access images on the server side, and load them interactively as the user pans, views or scrolls the image. When a file is first opened, the JpipRasterImageViewer control loads the lowest resolution that fits the viewer window and loads more data as the user starts panning, zooming or scrolling. If the image has multiple color components (Red, Green, Blue), browsing can be done for the desired component only.

This example creates an instance of the JpipRasterImageViewer and requests an image, zooms in, specifies a component and copies the image to a local file.

Copy Code  
Imports Leadtools
      Imports Leadtools.Codecs
      Imports Leadtools.Jpip
      Imports Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms
      Imports Leadtools.Jpip.Client.InteractiveDecoder
      Imports Leadtools.Jpip.Server

      Private Const SERVER_NAME As String = "LEAD JPIP Server - Test Server"
      Private Const ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT As Integer = 109
      Private Const JPIP_SERVER_PORT As Integer = 108
      Private Const LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS As String = ""
      Private CLIENT_CACHE_DIRECTORY As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000")
      Private SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000")
      Private SERVER_IMAGES_FOLDER As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000")
      Private IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS As String = "*.j2k;*.jp2;*.jpx"
      Private CLIENT_SAVED_FILE_NAME As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "test.bmp")
      Private _jpipServer As JpipServer
      Private _imageFileExtensions As List(Of String)
      Private _listener As HttpListener
      Public _serverImagesList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
      Public Sub New()
#End If ' #If LEADTOOLS_V175_OR_LATER Then
         _imageFileExtensions = New List(Of String)()
         _jpipServer = New JpipServer()
      End Sub

      Public Sub ClientRequestReceived(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
         Dim context As HttpListenerContext

         If Nothing Is _listener OrElse (Not _listener.IsListening) Then
         End If

            context = _listener.EndGetContext(ar)
         End Try


            Dim formattedImages As String
            Dim sendBuffer As Byte()

            _listener.BeginGetContext(AddressOf ClientRequestReceived, Nothing)

            formattedImages = GetFormattedServerImagesString()

            sendBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formattedImages)

            context.Response.OutputStream.Write(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length)

         Catch e1 As Exception
            If Not Nothing Is context Then
            End If
         End Try
      End Sub

      Public Function GetFormattedServerImagesString() As String
         Dim serverImageFile As String
         Dim formattedServerImagesString As String = String.Empty
         Dim searchImages As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
         Dim serverImages As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)()
         For Each extension As String In _imageFileExtensions
            searchImages.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(_jpipServer.Configuration.ImagesFolder, extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories))
         Next extension
         For Each file As String In searchImages
            serverImageFile = file.Replace(_jpipServer.Configuration.ImagesFolder, String.Empty)
            serverImageFile = serverImageFile.TrimStart("\"c)
            formattedServerImagesString &= serverImageFile & ";"
         Next file
         For Each aliasFolder As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In _jpipServer.Configuration.AliasFolders
            If (Not Directory.Exists(aliasFolder.Value)) Then
               Continue For
            End If
            For Each extension As String In _imageFileExtensions
               searchImages.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(aliasFolder.Value, extension, SearchOption.AllDirectories))
            Next extension
            For Each imageFile As String In searchImages
               serverImageFile = imageFile.Replace(aliasFolder.Value, aliasFolder.Key)
               serverImageFile = serverImageFile.TrimStart("\"c)
               formattedServerImagesString &= serverImageFile & ";"
            Next imageFile
         Next aliasFolder
         Return formattedServerImagesString.TrimEnd(";"c)
      End Function

      Public Sub StartFileEnumerationServer()

            If Not _listener Is Nothing Then 'if _listner is already created, then do not create again
            End If
            _listener = New HttpListener()
            _listener.Prefixes.Add(String.Format("http://{0}:{1}/", LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT))

            _listener.BeginGetContext(AddressOf ClientRequestReceived, Nothing)
         Catch ex As Exception
            Debug.Fail("Error in server enumeration: " & Constants.vbLf + ex.Message)
         End Try
      End Sub

      Public Sub StopFileEnumerationServer()
            If Not _listener Is Nothing Then
            End If
         Catch ex As Exception
            Debug.Fail("Error in server enumeration: " & Constants.vbLf + ex.Message)
         End Try
      End Sub

      Public Sub GetEnumeratedFiles(ByVal filename As String)
         Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(HttpWebRequest.Create(String.Format("http://{0}:{1}/", LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT)), HttpWebRequest)

         If Not Nothing Is request.Proxy Then
            request.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
         End If

         request.UseDefaultCredentials = True

         Dim response As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

         Dim receivedStream As System.IO.Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
         Dim reader As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(receivedStream)

         Dim read As Char() = New Char(255) {}
         ' Reads 256 characters at a time.    
         Dim count As Integer = reader.Read(read, 0, 256)
         Dim imageNames As String = ""

         Do While count > 0
            ' Dumps the 256 characters on a string and displays the string to the console.
            Dim temp As String = New String(read, 0, count)

            imageNames &= temp

            count = reader.Read(read, 0, 256)

         ' Releases the resources of the response.
         ' Releases the resources of the Stream.

         Dim imageFileNames As String() = imageNames.Split(";"c)
         Dim counter As Integer = 0
         For Each image As String In imageFileNames
            counter += 1
            Debug.Assert(image.Trim().Length > 0, "There is no image to enumerate")
            Debug.WriteLine("Image " & counter & ": " & image)
         Next image

         File.WriteAllLines(filename, _serverImagesList.ToArray())
      End Sub

      Public Sub StartJpipServer()
         If (Not _jpipServer.IsRunning) Then
            'Server Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ServerName = SERVER_NAME
            _jpipServer.Configuration.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS
            _jpipServer.Configuration.Port = JPIP_SERVER_PORT
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ImagesFolder = SERVER_IMAGES_FOLDER
            _jpipServer.Configuration.CacheFolder = SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth = _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth
            _jpipServer.Configuration.CacheSize = 200
            _jpipServer.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = True
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxClientCount = 5
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ConnectionIdleTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 9100)
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxSessionLifetime = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 9900)
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth = _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth
            'Communication Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxTransportConnections = 15
            _jpipServer.Configuration.HandshakeTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 9600)
            _jpipServer.Configuration.RequestTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 920)
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512
            'Images Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ImageParsingTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 0, 9180)
            _jpipServer.Configuration.PartitionBoxSize = 40
            _jpipServer.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = True
            'Logging Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogInformation = False
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogWarnings = False
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogDebug = False
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogErrors = False
            'Start server and delegates
            Debug.Assert(_jpipServer.IsRunning, "Server did not start.")
         End If
      End Sub

      Public Sub StopJpipServer()
         If _jpipServer.IsRunning Then
         End If
      End Sub

      Public Sub SetJpipViewer(ByVal viewer As JpipRasterImageViewer)
         ' Initialize JPIP viewer  
         viewer.CacheDirectoryName = CLIENT_CACHE_DIRECTORY
         viewer.PortNumber = JPIP_SERVER_PORT
         viewer.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS
         viewer.PacketSize = 16384
         viewer.RequestTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)
         viewer.ChannelType = JpipChannelTypes.HttpChannel
      End Sub

      Public Sub SaveJpipViewerImageToFile(ByVal viewer As JpipRasterImageViewer, ByVal fileName As String)
         Dim rc As RasterCodecs = New Leadtools.Codecs.RasterCodecs()
         rc.Save(viewer.Image, fileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24)
      End Sub

      Private Sub OnClientError(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ErrorEventArgs)
      End Sub

      Private Sub OnBytesLoaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TotalBytesLoadedEventArgs)
         Debug.WriteLine(" Total Bytes: " & e.ByteCount.ToString())
      End Sub

      Private Sub FileOpened(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

         Dim jpipViewer As JpipRasterImageViewer = DirectCast(sender, JpipRasterImageViewer)
         Dim deleteCacheFilePriorTo As DateTime = New DateTime(2008, 8, 8)

         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & " FullImageSize:          " & jpipViewer.FullImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfColorComponents:  " & jpipViewer.NumberOfColorComponents.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfResolutions:      " & jpipViewer.NumberOfResolutions.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" InteractiveMode:          " & jpipViewer.InteractiveMode.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" PaintProperties:          " & jpipViewer.PaintProperties.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" current CodeStreamIndex   " & jpipViewer.CodeStream)
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfCodeStreams       " & jpipViewer.CodeStreamCount)
         Debug.WriteLine(" Available Resolutions")
         Dim i As Integer = 0
         Do While i < jpipViewer.NumberOfResolutions
            Debug.WriteLine(" Resolution (" & i.ToString() & ") Size" & jpipViewer.GetResolutionSize(i).ToString())
            i += 1
         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & "Open Image")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & " Zoomed in")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & " Zoomed in")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         jpipViewer.ComponentIndex = 0
         Debug.WriteLine("Component Index value set to 1 ")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & " ZoomOut ")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         jpipViewer.ComponentIndex = -1
         Debug.WriteLine("Component Index value set to 1 ")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())

         Debug.WriteLine(" Resolution size set to 2")
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " & jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString())
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " & jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString())
         SaveJpipViewerImageToFile(jpipViewer, CLIENT_SAVED_FILE_NAME)

         'Client side function to delete cached files of type LCCACHE File (Not LTCACHE File) prior to given date from CACHE_DIRECTORY
         Dim count As Integer = jpipViewer.DeleteCacheFiles(deleteCacheFilePriorTo)
         Debug.WriteLine(count.ToString() & " Cache File Deleted....")

         If jpipViewer.IsActive Then
            Debug.WriteLine(" JpipRasterImageViewer.IsActive Test ")
            Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         End If


         If jpipViewer.IsActive Then
            Debug.WriteLine(" JpipRasterImageViewer.IsActive Test (this should not happen becaue no image is loaded at this point")
            Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " & jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString())
         End If

         'Server side
      End Sub

      Public Sub ClientExample()
         'Server side

         'Client requesting enumerated images from server
         GetEnumeratedFiles(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Client_Enumerated_Images.txt"))

         'Client requests an image, copies to local file, then deletes cached files prior to given date from CACHE_DIRECTORY

         Dim jpipViewer As JpipRasterImageViewer = New JpipRasterImageViewer()
         AddHandler jpipViewer.StreamingError, AddressOf OnClientError
         AddHandler jpipViewer.TotalBytesLoaded, AddressOf OnBytesLoaded
         AddHandler jpipViewer.FileOpened, AddressOf FileOpened
         Debug.WriteLine(Constants.vbLf & " Open File:          " & _serverImagesList(0))

      End Sub

      Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
      Public Const ImagesDir As String = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"
      End Class
using Leadtools;
      using Leadtools.Codecs;
      using Leadtools.Jpip;
      using Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms;
      using Leadtools.Jpip.Client.InteractiveDecoder;
      using Leadtools.Jpip.Server;
      using Leadtools.Drawing;

      private const string SERVER_NAME = "LEAD JPIP Server - Test Server";
      private const int ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT = 109;
      private const int JPIP_SERVER_PORT = 107;
      private const string LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS = "";
      private string CLIENT_CACHE_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000");
      private string SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000");
      private string SERVER_IMAGES_FOLDER = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "jpeg2000");
      private const string IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = "*.j2k;*.jp2;*.jpx";
      private string CLIENT_SAVED_FILE_NAME = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "test.bmp");
      private JpipServer _jpipServer;
      private List<string> _imageFileExtensions;
      private HttpListener _listener;
      public List<string> _serverImagesList = new List<string>();
      public JpipClientExample()
#endif // #if LEADTOOLS_V175_OR_LATER
         _imageFileExtensions = new List<string>();
         _jpipServer = new JpipServer();

      public void ClientRequestReceived(IAsyncResult ar)
         HttpListenerContext context;

         if (null == _listener || !_listener.IsListening)

            context = _listener.EndGetContext(ar);


            string formattedImages;
            byte[] sendBuffer;

            _listener.BeginGetContext(ClientRequestReceived, null);

            formattedImages = GetFormattedServerImagesString();

            sendBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formattedImages);

            context.Response.OutputStream.Write(sendBuffer, 0, sendBuffer.Length);

         catch (Exception)
            if (null != context)

      public string GetFormattedServerImagesString()
         string serverImageFile;
         string formattedServerImagesString = string.Empty;
         List<string> searchImages = new List<string>();
         List<string> serverImages = new List<string>();
         foreach (string extension in _imageFileExtensions)
         foreach (string file in searchImages)
            serverImageFile = file.Replace(_jpipServer.Configuration.ImagesFolder,
            serverImageFile = serverImageFile.TrimStart('\\');
            formattedServerImagesString += serverImageFile + ";";
         foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> aliasFolder in _jpipServer.Configuration.AliasFolders)
            if (!Directory.Exists(aliasFolder.Value))
            foreach (string extension in _imageFileExtensions)
            foreach (string imageFile in searchImages)
               serverImageFile = imageFile.Replace(aliasFolder.Value, aliasFolder.Key);
               serverImageFile = serverImageFile.TrimStart('\\');
               formattedServerImagesString += serverImageFile + ";";
         return formattedServerImagesString.TrimEnd(';');

      public void StartFileEnumerationServer()

            if (_listener != null)//if _listner is already created, then do not create again
            _listener = new HttpListener ( ) ;
            _listener.Prefixes.Add ( string.Format ( "http://{0}:{1}/", LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT ) ) ;

            _listener.Start ( ) ;
            _listener.BeginGetContext ( ClientRequestReceived, null ) ;
         catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.Fail("Error in server enumeration: \n" + ex.Message);

      public void StopFileEnumerationServer()
            if (_listener != null)
         catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.Fail("Error in server enumeration: \n" + ex.Message);

      public void GetEnumeratedFiles(string filename)
         HttpWebRequest request = ( HttpWebRequest ) HttpWebRequest.Create ( string.Format ( "http://{0}:{1}/", LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS, ENUMERATION_SERVER_PORT ) ) ;

         if (null != request.Proxy)
            request.Proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

         request.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

         HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

         System.IO.Stream receivedStream = response.GetResponseStream();
         System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(receivedStream);

         Char[] read = new Char[256];
         // Reads 256 characters at a time.    
         int count = reader.Read(read, 0, 256);
         string imageNames = "";

         while (count > 0)
            // Dumps the 256 characters on a string and displays the string to the console.
            String temp = new String(read, 0, count);

            imageNames += temp;

            count = reader.Read(read, 0, 256);

         // Releases the resources of the response.
         // Releases the resources of the Stream.

         string[] imageFileNames = imageNames.Split(';');
         int counter = 0;
         foreach (string image in imageFileNames)
            Debug.Assert(image.Trim().Length > 0, "There is no image to enumerate");
            Debug.WriteLine("Image " + counter + ": " + image);

         File.WriteAllLines(filename, _serverImagesList.ToArray());

      public void StartJpipServer()
         if (!_jpipServer.IsRunning)
            //Server Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ServerName = SERVER_NAME;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.Port = JPIP_SERVER_PORT;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ImagesFolder = SERVER_IMAGES_FOLDER;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.CacheFolder = SERVER_CACHE_DIRECTORY;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth = _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxServerBandwidth;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.CacheSize = 200;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = true;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxClientCount = 5;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ConnectionIdleTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 9100);
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxSessionLifetime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 9900);
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth = _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxConnectionBandwidth;
            //Communication Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.MaxTransportConnections = 15;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.HandshakeTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 9600);
            _jpipServer.Configuration.RequestTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 920);
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ChunkSize = 512;
            //Images Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.ImageParsingTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 9180);
            _jpipServer.Configuration.PartitionBoxSize = 40;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.DivideSuperBoxes = true;
            //Logging Settings
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogInformation = false;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogWarnings = false;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogDebug = false;
            _jpipServer.Configuration.LogErrors = false;
            //Start server and delegates
            Debug.Assert(_jpipServer.IsRunning, "Server did not start.");

      public void StopJpipServer()
         if (_jpipServer.IsRunning)

      public void SetJpipViewer(JpipRasterImageViewer viewer)
         // Initialize JPIP viewer  
         viewer.CacheDirectoryName = CLIENT_CACHE_DIRECTORY;
         viewer.PortNumber = JPIP_SERVER_PORT;
         viewer.IPAddress = LOCAL_IP_ADDRESS;
         viewer.PacketSize = 16384;
         viewer.RequestTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);
         viewer.ChannelType = JpipChannelTypes.HttpChannel;

      public void SaveJpipViewerImageToFile(JpipRasterImageViewer viewer, string fileName)
         RasterCodecs rc = new Leadtools.Codecs.RasterCodecs();
         rc.Save(viewer.Image, fileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);

      private void OnClientError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)

      private void OnBytesLoaded(object sender, TotalBytesLoadedEventArgs e)
         Debug.WriteLine(" Total Bytes: " + e.ByteCount.ToString());

      public void ClientExample()
         /*Server side*/

         /*Client requesting enumerated images from server*/
         GetEnumeratedFiles(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Client_Enumerated_Images.txt"));

         JpipRasterImageViewer jpipViewer = new JpipRasterImageViewer();
         jpipViewer.StreamingError += OnClientError;
         jpipViewer.TotalBytesLoaded += OnBytesLoaded;
         jpipViewer.FileOpened += new EventHandler(jpipViewer_FileOpened);

         Debug.WriteLine("\n Open File:          " + _serverImagesList[0] );

      void jpipViewer_FileOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
         JpipRasterImageViewer jpipViewer = ( JpipRasterImageViewer) sender ;

         /*Client requests an image, copies to local file, then deletes cached files prior to given date from CACHE_DIRECTORY*/
         DateTime deleteCacheFilePriorTo = new DateTime(2008, 8, 8);

         Debug.WriteLine("\n FullImageSize:          " + jpipViewer.FullImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfColorComponents:  " + jpipViewer.NumberOfColorComponents.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfResolutions:      " + jpipViewer.NumberOfResolutions.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" InteractiveMode:          " + jpipViewer.InteractiveMode.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" PaintProperties:          " + jpipViewer.PaintProperties.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" current CodeStreamIndex       " + jpipViewer.CodeStream );
         Debug.WriteLine(" NumberOfCodeStreams       " + jpipViewer.CodeStreamCount ) ;
         Debug.WriteLine(" Available Resolutions");
         for (int i = 0; i < jpipViewer.NumberOfResolutions; i++)
            Debug.WriteLine(" Resolution (" + i.ToString() + ") Size" + jpipViewer.GetResolutionSize(i).ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine("\nOpen Image");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         Debug.WriteLine("\n Zoomed in");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         Debug.WriteLine("\n Zoomed in");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         jpipViewer.ComponentIndex = 0;
         Debug.WriteLine("Component Index value set to 1 ");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         Debug.WriteLine("\n ZoomOut ");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         jpipViewer.ComponentIndex = -1;
         Debug.WriteLine("Component Index value set to 1 ");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());

         Debug.WriteLine(" Resolution size set to 2");
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" ComponentIndex:           " + jpipViewer.ComponentIndex.ToString());
         Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentResolutionIndex:   " + jpipViewer.CurrentResolutionIndex.ToString());
         SaveJpipViewerImageToFile(jpipViewer, CLIENT_SAVED_FILE_NAME );

         /*Client side function to delete cached files of type LCCACHE File (Not LTCACHE File) prior to given date from CACHE_DIRECTORY*/
         int count = jpipViewer.DeleteCacheFiles(deleteCacheFilePriorTo);
         Debug.WriteLine(count.ToString() + " Cache File Deleted....");

         if (jpipViewer.IsActive)
            Debug.WriteLine(" JpipRasterImageViewer.IsActive Test ");
            Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());


         if (jpipViewer.IsActive)
            Debug.WriteLine(" JpipRasterImageViewer.IsActive Test (this should not happen becaue no image is loaded at this point");
            Debug.WriteLine(" CurrentImageSize:         " + jpipViewer.CurrentImageSize.ToString());

         /*Server side*/

      static class LEAD_VARS
      public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images";

Target Platforms

See Also


JpipRasterImageViewer Members
Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms Namespace

Error processing SSI file
Leadtools.Jpip.Client.WinForms requires a Document or Medical license and unlock key as well as a server license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features