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LEADTOOLS (Leadtools assembly)

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RasterKnownColor Enumeration

Specifies the known system colors.
Public Enum RasterKnownColor 
   Inherits System.Enum
   Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable 
Dim instance As RasterKnownColor
public final class RasterKnownColor
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor = function() { };
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor.prototype = {<br/>
  Background = -16777216,
	InfoText = -16777216,
	WindowText = -16777216,
	CaptionText = -16777216,
	Black = -16777216,
	ButtonText = -16777216,
	MenuText = -16777216,
	Navy = -16777088,
	DarkBlue = -16777077,
	MediumBlue = -16777011,
	Blue = -16776961,
	DarkGreen = -16751616,
	Green = -16744448,
	Teal = -16744320,
	DarkCyan = -16741493,
	DeepSkyBlue = -16728065,
	DarkTurquoise = -16724271,
	MediumSpringGreen = -16713062,
	Lime = -16711936,
	SpringGreen = -16711809,
	Aqua = -16711681,
	Cyan = -16711681,
	MidnightBlue = -15132304,
	DodgerBlue = -14774017,
	LightSeaGreen = -14634326,
	ForestGreen = -14513374,
	SeaGreen = -13726889,
	DarkSlateGray = -13676721,
	LimeGreen = -13447886,
	Highlight = -13395457,
	MediumSeaGreen = -12799119,
	Turquoise = -12525360,
	RoyalBlue = -12490271,
	InactiveCaptionText = -12366252,
	SteelBlue = -12156236,
	DarkSlateBlue = -12042869,
	MediumTurquoise = -12004916,
	Indigo = -11861886,
	DarkOliveGreen = -11179217,
	CadetBlue = -10510688,
	WindowFrame = -10197916,
	CornflowerBlue = -10185235,
	MediumAquamarine = -10039894,
	DimGray = -9868951,
	ThreeDDarkShadow = -9868951,
	SlateBlue = -9807155,
	OliveDrab = -9728477,
	GrayText = -9605779,
	SlateGray = -9404272,
	LightSlateGray = -8943463,
	MediumSlateBlue = -8689426,
	LawnGreen = -8586240,
	Chartreuse = -8388864,
	Aquamarine = -8388652,
	Maroon = -8388608,
	Purple = -8388480,
	Olive = -8355840,
	Gray = -8355712,
	SkyBlue = -7876885,
	LightSkyBlue = -7876870,
	BlueViolet = -7722014,
	DarkRed = -7667712,
	DarkMagenta = -7667573,
	SaddleBrown = -7650029,
	DarkSeaGreen = -7357297,
	LightGreen = -7278960,
	MediumPurple = -7114533,
	DarkViolet = -7077677,
	PaleGreen = -6751336,
	DarkOrchid = -6737204,
	ActiveCaption = -6703919,
	YellowGreen = -6632142,
	Sienna = -6270419,
	ButtonShadow = -6250336,
	Brown = -5952982,
	DarkGray = -5658199,
	AppWorkspace = -5526613,
	LightBlue = -5383962,
	GreenYellow = -5374161,
	PaleTurquoise = -5247250,
	LightSteelBlue = -5192482,
	PowderBlue = -5185306,
	Firebrick = -5103070,
	ActiveBorder = -4934476,
	DarkGoldenrod = -4684277,
	MediumOrchid = -4565549,
	RosyBrown = -4419697,
	DarkKhaki = -4343957,
	InactiveCaption = -4207141,
	Silver = -4144960,
	MediumVioletRed = -3730043,
	Scrollbar = -3618616,
	IndianRed = -3318692,
	Peru = -3308225,
	Chocolate = -2987746,
	Tan = -2968436,
	LightGray = -2894893,
	Thistle = -2572328,
	Orchid = -2461482,
	Goldenrod = -2448096,
	PaleVioletRed = -2396013,
	Crimson = -2354116,
	Gainsboro = -2302756,
	Plum = -2252579,
	BurlyWood = -2180985,
	LightCyan = -2031617,
	ThreeDHighlight = -1842205,
	Lavender = -1644806,
	DarkSalmon = -1468806,
	Violet = -1146130,
	PaleGoldenrod = -1120086,
	LightCoral = -1015680,
	Khaki = -989556,
	ButtonFace = -986896,
	Menu = -986896,
	Window = -986896,
	ThreeDFace = -986896,
	AliceBlue = -984833,
	Honeydew = -983056,
	Azure = -983041,
	SandyBrown = -744352,
	InactiveBorder = -722948,
	Wheat = -663885,
	Beige = -657956,
	WhiteSmoke = -657931,
	MintCream = -655366,
	GhostWhite = -460545,
	Salmon = -360334,
	AntiqueWhite = -332841,
	Linen = -331546,
	LightGoldenrodYellow = -329006,
	OldLace = -133658,
	Red = -65536,
	Fuchsia = -65281,
	Magenta = -65281,
	DeepPink = -60269,
	OrangeRed = -47872,
	Tomato = -40121,
	HotPink = -38476,
	Coral = -32944,
	DarkOrange = -29696,
	LightSalmon = -24454,
	Orange = -23296,
	LightPink = -18751,
	Pink = -16181,
	Gold = -10496,
	PeachPuff = -9543,
	NavajoWhite = -8531,
	Moccasin = -6987,
	Bisque = -6972,
	MistyRose = -6943,
	BlanchedAlmond = -5171,
	PapayaWhip = -4139,
	LavenderBlush = -3851,
	SeaShell = -2578,
	Cornsilk = -1828,
	LemonChiffon = -1331,
	FloralWhite = -1296,
	Snow = -1286,
	Yellow = -256,
	LightYellow = -32,
	InfoBackground = -31,
	Ivory = -16,
	ButtonHighlight = -1,
	HighlightText = -1,
	ThreeDLightShadow = -1,
	White = -1,
	UnknownColor = 1,
	Transparent = 16777215,
public enum class RasterKnownColor : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable  
-16777216Background A system-defined color
-16777216InfoText A system-defined color
-16777216WindowText A system-defined color
-16777216CaptionText A system-defined color
-16777216Black A system-defined color
-16777216ButtonText A system-defined color
-16777216MenuText A system-defined color
-16777088Navy A system-defined color
-16777077DarkBlue A system-defined color
-16777011MediumBlue A system-defined color
-16776961Blue A system-defined color
-16751616DarkGreen A system-defined color
-16744448Green A system-defined color
-16744320Teal A system-defined color
-16741493DarkCyan A system-defined color
-16728065DeepSkyBlue A system-defined color
-16724271DarkTurquoise A system-defined color
-16713062MediumSpringGreen A system-defined color
-16711936Lime A system-defined color
-16711809SpringGreen A system-defined color
-16711681Aqua A system-defined color
-16711681Cyan A system-defined color
-15132304MidnightBlue A system-defined color
-14774017DodgerBlue A system-defined color
-14634326LightSeaGreen A system-defined color
-14513374ForestGreen A system-defined color
-13726889SeaGreen A system-defined color
-13676721DarkSlateGray A system-defined color
-13447886LimeGreen A system-defined color
-13395457Highlight A system-defined color
-12799119MediumSeaGreen A system-defined color
-12525360Turquoise A system-defined color
-12490271RoyalBlue A system-defined color
-12366252InactiveCaptionText A system-defined color
-12156236SteelBlue A system-defined color
-12042869DarkSlateBlue A system-defined color
-12004916MediumTurquoise A system-defined color
-11861886Indigo A system-defined color
-11179217DarkOliveGreen A system-defined color
-10510688CadetBlue A system-defined color
-10197916WindowFrame A system-defined color
-10185235CornflowerBlue A system-defined color
-10039894MediumAquamarine A system-defined color
-9868951DimGray A system-defined color
-9868951ThreeDDarkShadow A system-defined color
-9807155SlateBlue A system-defined color
-9728477OliveDrab A system-defined color
-9605779GrayText A system-defined color
-9404272SlateGray A system-defined color
-8943463LightSlateGray A system-defined color
-8689426MediumSlateBlue A system-defined color
-8586240LawnGreen A system-defined color
-8388864Chartreuse A system-defined color
-8388652Aquamarine A system-defined color
-8388608Maroon A system-defined color
-8388480Purple A system-defined color
-8355840Olive A system-defined color
-8355712Gray A system-defined color
-7876885SkyBlue A system-defined color
-7876870LightSkyBlue A system-defined color
-7722014BlueViolet A system-defined color
-7667712DarkRed A system-defined color
-7667573DarkMagenta A system-defined color
-7650029SaddleBrown A system-defined color
-7357297DarkSeaGreen A system-defined color
-7278960LightGreen A system-defined color
-7114533MediumPurple A system-defined color
-7077677DarkViolet A system-defined color
-6751336PaleGreen A system-defined color
-6737204DarkOrchid A system-defined color
-6703919ActiveCaption A system-defined color
-6632142YellowGreen A system-defined color
-6270419Sienna A system-defined color
-6250336ButtonShadow A system-defined color
-5952982Brown A system-defined color
-5658199DarkGray A system-defined color
-5526613AppWorkspace A system-defined color
-5383962LightBlue A system-defined color
-5374161GreenYellow A system-defined color
-5247250PaleTurquoise A system-defined color
-5192482LightSteelBlue A system-defined color
-5185306PowderBlue A system-defined color
-5103070Firebrick A system-defined color
-4934476ActiveBorder A system-defined color
-4684277DarkGoldenrod A system-defined color
-4565549MediumOrchid A system-defined color
-4419697RosyBrown A system-defined color
-4343957DarkKhaki A system-defined color
-4207141InactiveCaption A system-defined color
-4144960Silver A system-defined color
-3730043MediumVioletRed A system-defined color
-3618616Scrollbar A system-defined color
-3318692IndianRed A system-defined color
-3308225Peru A system-defined color
-2987746Chocolate A system-defined color
-2968436Tan A system-defined color
-2894893LightGray A system-defined color
-2572328Thistle A system-defined color
-2461482Orchid A system-defined color
-2448096Goldenrod A system-defined color
-2396013PaleVioletRed A system-defined color
-2354116Crimson A system-defined color
-2302756Gainsboro A system-defined color
-2252579Plum A system-defined color
-2180985BurlyWood A system-defined color
-2031617LightCyan A system-defined color
-1842205ThreeDHighlight A system-defined color
-1644806Lavender A system-defined color
-1468806DarkSalmon A system-defined color
-1146130Violet A system-defined color
-1120086PaleGoldenrod A system-defined color
-1015680LightCoral A system-defined color
-989556Khaki A system-defined color
-986896ButtonFace A system-defined color
-986896Menu A system-defined color
-986896Window A system-defined color
-986896ThreeDFace A system-defined color
-984833AliceBlue A system-defined color
-983056Honeydew A system-defined color
-983041Azure A system-defined color
-744352SandyBrown A system-defined color
-722948InactiveBorder A system-defined color
-663885Wheat A system-defined color
-657956Beige A system-defined color
-657931WhiteSmoke A system-defined color
-655366MintCream A system-defined color
-460545GhostWhite A system-defined color
-360334Salmon A system-defined color
-332841AntiqueWhite A system-defined color
-331546Linen A system-defined color
-329006LightGoldenrodYellow A system-defined color
-133658OldLace A system-defined color
-65536Red A system-defined color
-65281Fuchsia A system-defined color
-65281Magenta A system-defined color
-60269DeepPink A system-defined color
-47872OrangeRed A system-defined color
-40121Tomato A system-defined color
-38476HotPink A system-defined color
-32944Coral A system-defined color
-29696DarkOrange A system-defined color
-24454LightSalmon A system-defined color
-23296Orange A system-defined color
-18751LightPink A system-defined color
-16181Pink A system-defined color
-10496Gold A system-defined color
-9543PeachPuff A system-defined color
-8531NavajoWhite A system-defined color
-6987Moccasin A system-defined color
-6972Bisque A system-defined color
-6943MistyRose A system-defined color
-5171BlanchedAlmond A system-defined color
-4139PapayaWhip A system-defined color
-3851LavenderBlush A system-defined color
-2578SeaShell A system-defined color
-1828Cornsilk A system-defined color
-1331LemonChiffon A system-defined color
-1296FloralWhite A system-defined color
-1286Snow A system-defined color
-256Yellow A system-defined color
-32LightYellow A system-defined color
-31InfoBackground A system-defined color
-16Ivory A system-defined color
-1ButtonHighlight A system-defined color
-1HighlightText A system-defined color
-1ThreeDLightShadow A system-defined color
-1White A system-defined color
1UnknownColor A system-defined color
16777215Transparent A system-defined color

You can use the RasterKnownColor enumeration to construct RasterColor objects from colors known by name.

For an example, refer to RasterColor.FromKnownColor.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools Namespace

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