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Leadtools Namespace : RasterKnownColor Enumeration |
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum RasterKnownColor : System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
<CLSCompliantAttribute(False)> Public Enum RasterKnownColor Inherits System.Enum Implements System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
Dim instance As RasterKnownColor
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum RasterKnownColor : System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
public final class RasterKnownColor
Leadtools.RasterKnownColor = function() { }; Leadtools.RasterKnownColor.prototype = {<br/> Background = -16777216, InfoText = -16777216, WindowText = -16777216, CaptionText = -16777216, Black = -16777216, ButtonText = -16777216, MenuText = -16777216, Navy = -16777088, DarkBlue = -16777077, MediumBlue = -16777011, Blue = -16776961, DarkGreen = -16751616, Green = -16744448, Teal = -16744320, DarkCyan = -16741493, DeepSkyBlue = -16728065, DarkTurquoise = -16724271, MediumSpringGreen = -16713062, Lime = -16711936, SpringGreen = -16711809, Aqua = -16711681, Cyan = -16711681, MidnightBlue = -15132304, DodgerBlue = -14774017, LightSeaGreen = -14634326, ForestGreen = -14513374, SeaGreen = -13726889, DarkSlateGray = -13676721, LimeGreen = -13447886, Highlight = -13395457, MediumSeaGreen = -12799119, Turquoise = -12525360, RoyalBlue = -12490271, InactiveCaptionText = -12366252, SteelBlue = -12156236, DarkSlateBlue = -12042869, MediumTurquoise = -12004916, Indigo = -11861886, DarkOliveGreen = -11179217, CadetBlue = -10510688, WindowFrame = -10197916, CornflowerBlue = -10185235, MediumAquamarine = -10039894, DimGray = -9868951, ThreeDDarkShadow = -9868951, SlateBlue = -9807155, OliveDrab = -9728477, GrayText = -9605779, SlateGray = -9404272, LightSlateGray = -8943463, MediumSlateBlue = -8689426, LawnGreen = -8586240, Chartreuse = -8388864, Aquamarine = -8388652, Maroon = -8388608, Purple = -8388480, Olive = -8355840, Gray = -8355712, SkyBlue = -7876885, LightSkyBlue = -7876870, BlueViolet = -7722014, DarkRed = -7667712, DarkMagenta = -7667573, SaddleBrown = -7650029, DarkSeaGreen = -7357297, LightGreen = -7278960, MediumPurple = -7114533, DarkViolet = -7077677, PaleGreen = -6751336, DarkOrchid = -6737204, ActiveCaption = -6703919, YellowGreen = -6632142, Sienna = -6270419, ButtonShadow = -6250336, Brown = -5952982, DarkGray = -5658199, AppWorkspace = -5526613, LightBlue = -5383962, GreenYellow = -5374161, PaleTurquoise = -5247250, LightSteelBlue = -5192482, PowderBlue = -5185306, Firebrick = -5103070, ActiveBorder = -4934476, DarkGoldenrod = -4684277, MediumOrchid = -4565549, RosyBrown = -4419697, DarkKhaki = -4343957, InactiveCaption = -4207141, Silver = -4144960, MediumVioletRed = -3730043, Scrollbar = -3618616, IndianRed = -3318692, Peru = -3308225, Chocolate = -2987746, Tan = -2968436, LightGray = -2894893, Thistle = -2572328, Orchid = -2461482, Goldenrod = -2448096, PaleVioletRed = -2396013, Crimson = -2354116, Gainsboro = -2302756, Plum = -2252579, BurlyWood = -2180985, LightCyan = -2031617, ThreeDHighlight = -1842205, Lavender = -1644806, DarkSalmon = -1468806, Violet = -1146130, PaleGoldenrod = -1120086, LightCoral = -1015680, Khaki = -989556, ButtonFace = -986896, Menu = -986896, Window = -986896, ThreeDFace = -986896, AliceBlue = -984833, Honeydew = -983056, Azure = -983041, SandyBrown = -744352, InactiveBorder = -722948, Wheat = -663885, Beige = -657956, WhiteSmoke = -657931, MintCream = -655366, GhostWhite = -460545, Salmon = -360334, AntiqueWhite = -332841, Linen = -331546, LightGoldenrodYellow = -329006, OldLace = -133658, Red = -65536, Fuchsia = -65281, Magenta = -65281, DeepPink = -60269, OrangeRed = -47872, Tomato = -40121, HotPink = -38476, Coral = -32944, DarkOrange = -29696, LightSalmon = -24454, Orange = -23296, LightPink = -18751, Pink = -16181, Gold = -10496, PeachPuff = -9543, NavajoWhite = -8531, Moccasin = -6987, Bisque = -6972, MistyRose = -6943, BlanchedAlmond = -5171, PapayaWhip = -4139, LavenderBlush = -3851, SeaShell = -2578, Cornsilk = -1828, LemonChiffon = -1331, FloralWhite = -1296, Snow = -1286, Yellow = -256, LightYellow = -32, InfoBackground = -31, Ivory = -16, ButtonHighlight = -1, HighlightText = -1, ThreeDLightShadow = -1, White = -1, UnknownColor = 1, Transparent = 16777215, };
[CLSCompliantAttribute(false)] public enum class RasterKnownColor : public System.Enum, System.IComparable, System.IConvertible, System.IFormattable
You can use the RasterKnownColor enumeration to construct RasterColor objects from colors known by name.