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DicomWCFStreamer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see DicomWCFStreamer members

Public Methods

Name Description
ChangePassword Changes the user password.
Dispose Overloaded.
FindObjectInstance Queries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.
FindObjectInstanceEx Queries for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.
FindSeries Queries for a DICOM Series information using search parameters.
FindSeriesObjects Queries for the DICOM series information using matching parameters.
FindStudies Queries for the DICOM studies information from the DICOM service using matching parameters.
FindStudyObjects Queries for the DICOM studies information using matching parameters.
GetCacheTimeout Gets the current user cache time-out in days as specified by the administrator.
GetDicomData Retrieves a DICOM object buffer.
GetDicomImage Retrieves a DICOM image from a DICOM object.
GetDicomObject Retrieves a DICOM object.
GetImage Retrieves a DICOM image with the user specified compression options.
GetImageData Retrieves a DICOM image buffer with the user specified compression options.
GetImageInfo Retrieves general image information for a DICOM object.
GetObjectTags Retrieves DICOM and image information for queried DICOM objects.
GetObjectType Returns the DICOM object type.
GetPrecompressedImagesFormat Gets the server stored Pre-compressed images formats for the specified DICOM objects.
GetStorageOptions Gets the administrator storage options for different compressions
StreamSeriesImages Retrieves the images of the specified series.

Protected Methods

Name Description
CreateManageServiceBinding Creates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Manage service
CreateObjectRetrieveServiceBinding Creates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the ObjectRetrieve service
CreateQueryServiceBinding Creates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Query service
CreateStoreServiceBinding Creates a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding object for the Store service
Finalize Overrides the Object.Finalize method.
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