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IsStarted Property


Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the application has been started. This property returns true if InitApplication has been called. If InitApplication has not been called or ShutDown was called this property will return false.


public bool IsStarted {get; set;}
Public Property IsStarted As Boolean
property bool IsStarted { 
   bool get(); 
   void set (    bool ); 

Property Value

Boolean value that indicates whether the application has been started.

Value Meaning
true InitApplication has been called.
false InitApplication has not been called or ShutDown has been called.

Imports Leadtools 
Imports Leadtools.Examples 
Imports Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl 
Private Sub MedicalWebViewerExternalController_IsStarted() 
   Dim applicationName As String 
   Dim version As String 
   Dim externalControlPort As Integer = 500 
   Dim viewerUrl As String = "http://localhost/MedicalViewer/" 
   Dim controller As New MedicalWebViewerExternalController(viewerUrl) 
   ' ViewerURL should return what was passed into the constructor 
   Dim uri1 As New Uri(viewerUrl) 
   Dim uri2 As New Uri(controller.ViewerURL) 
   Debug.Assert(Uri.Compare(uri1, uri2, UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.Unescaped, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0) 
   controller.Timeout = 30 
   ' IsStarted should be 'false' because InitApplication has not been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted = False) 
   applicationName = String.Empty 
   version = String.Empty 
   controller.InitApplication(applicationName, version, externalControlPort) 
   ' IsStarted should be 'true' because InitApplication has been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted = True) 
   ' Shutdown the command queue 
   ' IsStarted should be 'false' because Shutdown has been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted = False) 
End Sub 
using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Examples; 
using Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl; 
private void MedicalWebViewerExternalController_IsStarted() 
   string applicationName; 
   string version; 
   int externalControlPort = 500; 
   string viewerUrl = "http://localhost/MedicalViewer/"; 
   MedicalWebViewerExternalController controller = new MedicalWebViewerExternalController(viewerUrl); 
   // ViewerURL should return what was passed into the constructor 
   Uri uri1 = new Uri(viewerUrl); 
   Uri uri2 = new Uri(controller.ViewerURL); 
   Debug.Assert(Uri.Compare(uri1, uri2, UriComponents.AbsoluteUri, UriFormat.Unescaped, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); 
   controller.Timeout = 30; 
   // IsStarted should be 'false' because InitApplication has not been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted == false); 
   controller.InitApplication(out applicationName, out version, externalControlPort); 
   // IsStarted should be 'true' because InitApplication has been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted == true); 
   // Shutdown the command queue 
   // IsStarted should be 'false' because Shutdown has been called 
   Debug.Assert(controller.IsStarted == false); 


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Leadtools.Medical.WebViewer.ExternalControl Assembly
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