Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Multimedia
Imports LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures
Public _result As Boolean = False
Public _form As ConvertCtrlForm = New ConvertCtrlForm()
Private Const CODEC_AUDIO_MSAUDIO As Integer = 353 ' Microsoft WMAudio
Private Const CODEC_VIDEO_WMV1 As Integer = 827739479 ' FOURCC( "W"c, "M"c, "V"c, "1"c )
Public Sub AddStreamExample()
Dim convertctrl As ConvertCtrl = _form.ConvertCtrl
Dim inFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "ConvertCtrl_Source.avi")
Dim outFile As String = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "WMProfile_RemoveStreamExample.avi")
Dim manager As WMProfileManager = New WMProfileManager()
' create a WMProfile
convertctrl.WMProfile = CreateCustomProfile(manager)
' run the conversion
convertctrl.SourceFile = inFile
convertctrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.WMV
convertctrl.TargetFile = outFile
' dispose of the manager
Catch e1 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
' we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
' but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
Do While convertctrl.State = ConvertState.Running
' check the validity of the output file
Dim mediaInfo As MediaInfo = New MediaInfo()
mediaInfo.SourceFile = outFile
If (mediaInfo.SourceFormat = SourceFormatType.WMV) Then _result = True
Catch e2 As Exception
_result = False
End Try
End Sub
Private Function CreateCustomProfile(ByVal manager As WMProfileManager) As WMProfile
Dim profile As WMProfile = manager.CreateEmptyProfile(WMT_Version.V9)
profile.Name = "Custom Profile"
profile.Description = "Custom Profile Description"
Dim added As Boolean = AddAudioStream(manager, profile, 1, CODEC_AUDIO_MSAUDIO, 8000, 8000, 1, True)
' add 5 video streams with bitrates starting from 32KB/s (256Kbps). Increase the bitrate if you increase the video size
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do While (i <= 4)
AddVideoStream(manager, profile, (2 + i), CODEC_VIDEO_WMV1, (1024 * 32) + i * 1024, 400, 300, 5 * (i + 1), 0, 8)
i += 1
' mark all the video streams for mutual exclusion
AddMutexObject(profile, 2, 5)
Return profile
End Function
Private Function AddVideoStream(ByVal manager As WMProfileManager, _
ByVal profile As WMProfile, _
ByVal streamnum As Integer, _
ByVal fourcc As Long, _
ByVal bitrate As Integer, _
ByVal width As Integer, _
ByVal height As Integer, _
ByVal fps As Integer, _
ByVal quality As Integer, _
ByVal secperkey As Integer) As Boolean
Dim codecformat As WMStreamConfig
Dim mediatype As MediaType
Dim vih As VideoInfoHeader
Dim candidate As Boolean = False
Dim candidatevih As VideoInfoHeader = New VideoInfoHeader()
Dim candidatemt As MediaType = Nothing
Dim candidatestream As WMStreamConfig = Nothing
Dim added As Boolean = False
Dim viharr As Byte() = New Byte(87) {}
Dim codecs As Integer = manager.GetCodecInfoCount(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video)
Dim sinfo As String = String.Empty
' width and height must be even
If ((width And 1) <> 0) Then width += 1
If ((height And 1) <> 0) Then height += 1
' search for matching codec until I find a candidate
Dim codecindex As Integer = 0
Do While (codecindex < codecs) And Not candidate
sinfo &= manager.GetCodecName(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex)
Dim formats As Integer = manager.GetCodecFormatCount(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex)
Dim formatindex As Integer = 0
Do While formatindex < formats
sinfo &= manager.GetCodecFormatDesc(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex, formatindex)
codecformat = manager.GetCodecFormat(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex, formatindex)
mediatype = codecformat.GetMediaType()
If mediatype.FormatType = Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.FORMAT_VideoInfo Then
vih = mediatype.GetVideoFormatData()
If vih.bmiHeader.biCompression = fourcc Then
candidate = True
candidatevih = vih
candidatemt = mediatype
candidatestream = codecformat
' stop searching if I found a candidate
Exit Do
End If
End If
formatindex += 1
codecindex += 1
If candidate Then
' modify the selected codec to support this bitrate and size
candidatevih.dwBitRate = bitrate
candidatevih.rcSource.Right = width
candidatevih.rcSource.Bottom = height
candidatevih.rcTarget.Right = width
candidatevih.rcTarget.Bottom = height
candidatevih.bmiHeader.biWidth = width
candidatevih.bmiHeader.biHeight = height
' since fps is integer, 10000000/fps always fits in a 32-bit value, so lowpart=10000000/fps and high part is always 0
candidatevih.AvgTimePerFrame.lowpart = CInt(10000000 / fps)
candidatevih.AvgTimePerFrame.highpart = 0
StructToByteArray(candidatevih, viharr)
' candidatevih is a copy of the media type, so updating candidatevih is not enough to update the media type.
' Call SetVideoFormatData to copy the updated information from candidatevih to the video format data inside candidatemt
' If you just change candidatevih without calling candidatemt.SetVideoFormatData,
' candidatemt is an empty media type with no width and height
candidatemt.SetVideoFormatData(candidatevih, Nothing, 0)
candidatestream.Quality = quality
candidatestream.MaxKeyFrameSpacing = secperkey
candidatestream.StreamNumber = streamnum
candidatestream.StreamName = "Video Stream"
candidatestream.ConnectionName = "Video"
candidatestream.Bitrate = bitrate
added = True
End If
Return added
End Function
Private Function AddAudioStream(ByVal manager As WMProfileManager, _
ByVal profile As WMProfile, _
ByVal streamnum As Integer, _
ByVal formattag As Integer, _
ByVal prefbitrate As Integer, _
ByVal samplespersec As Integer, _
ByVal channels As Integer, _
ByVal withvideo As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim codecformat As WMStreamConfig
Dim mediatype As MediaType
Dim wfex As WaveFormatEx = New WaveFormatEx()
Dim added As Boolean = False
Dim candidate As Boolean = False
Dim candidatewfex As WaveFormatEx = New WaveFormatEx()
Dim candidatemt As MediaType = Nothing
Dim mt As MediaType
Dim stream As WMStreamConfig
Dim codecs As Integer = manager.GetCodecInfoCount(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio)
' search for matching codec
Dim codecindex As Integer = 0
Do While codecindex < codecs
Dim formats As Integer = manager.GetCodecFormatCount(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio, codecindex)
Dim formatindex As Integer = 0
Do While formatindex < formats
codecformat = manager.GetCodecFormat(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio, codecindex, formatindex)
mediatype = codecformat.GetMediaType()
If mediatype.FormatType = Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.FORMAT_WaveFormatEx Then
ByteArrayToStruct(mediatype.Format, wfex)
Dim diff As Integer = ((wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec * 8) - prefbitrate)
If diff < 250 AndAlso diff > -250 AndAlso wfex.nSamplesPerSec = samplespersec _
AndAlso wfex.nChannels = channels AndAlso wfex.wFormatTag = formattag Then
If candidate Then
If withvideo Then
' For audio/video configurations, we want to
' find the smaller blockalign. In this case,
' the blockalign is larger, so we want to
' use the old format.
If wfex.nBlockAlign <= candidatewfex.nBlockAlign Then
candidatewfex = wfex
candidatemt = mediatype
End If
ElseIf wfex.nBlockAlign >= candidatewfex.nBlockAlign Then
candidatewfex = wfex
candidatemt = mediatype
End If
candidate = True
candidatewfex = wfex
candidatemt = mediatype
End If
End If
End If
formatindex += 1
codecindex += 1
If candidate Then
' modify the selected codec to support this bitrate and format
mt = New MediaType()
mt.Type = Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio
mt.SubType = "{" & String.Format("{0:X8}", formattag) & "-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}"
mt.FixedSizeSamples = True
mt.TemporalCompression = False
mt.SampleSize = candidatewfex.nBlockAlign
mt.FormatType = Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.FORMAT_WaveFormatEx
mt.SetFormatData(-1, candidatemt.Format)
stream = profile.CreateNewStream(Leadtools.Multimedia.Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio)
stream.StreamNumber = streamnum
stream.StreamName = "Audio Stream"
stream.ConnectionName = "Audio"
stream.Bitrate = (candidatewfex.nAvgBytesPerSec * 8)
added = True
End If
Return added
End Function
Private Sub StructToByteArray(ByVal o As Object, ByRef dest As Byte())
'convert the structure to a byte array
Dim rawSize As Integer = Marshal.SizeOf(o)
Dim handle As GCHandle = New GCHandle()
Dim buffer As IntPtr
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(dest, GCHandleType.Pinned)
buffer = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()
Marshal.StructureToPtr(o, buffer, False)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub ByteArrayToStruct(ByVal buffer As Object, ByRef vih As WaveFormatEx)
Dim handle As GCHandle = New GCHandle()
'convert the structure to a byte array
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned)
Dim ptr As IntPtr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()
vih = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, GetType(WaveFormatEx)), WaveFormatEx)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
Private Function AddMutexObject(ByVal profile As WMProfile, _
ByVal basestream As Integer, _
ByVal streamcount As Integer) As Boolean
Dim excl As WMMutualExclusion = profile.CreateNewMutualExclusion()
' indicate that the streams differ by bit rate
excl.Type = "{D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do While i < streamcount
excl.AddStream(basestream + i)
i += 1
' assign the exclusion object to the profile
Return True
End Function
Private Function RemoveMutexObject(ByVal profile As WMProfile, _
ByVal excl As WMMutualExclusion, _
ByVal basestream As Integer, _
ByVal streamcount As Integer) As Boolean
' indicate that the streams differ by bit rate
excl.Type = "{D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}"
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do While i < streamcount
excl.RemoveStream(basestream + i)
i += 1
' remove the exclusion object from the profile
Return True
End Function
Public NotInheritable Class LEAD_VARS
Public Const MediaDir As String = "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media"
End Class
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public ConvertCtrlForm _form = new ConvertCtrlForm();
const int CODEC_AUDIO_MSAUDIO = 353; // Microsoft WMAudio
const int CODEC_VIDEO_WMV1 = 827739479; // FOURCC( 'W', 'M', 'V', '1' )
public void AddStreamExample()
ConvertCtrl convertctrl = _form.ConvertCtrl;
string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir,"ConvertCtrl_Source.avi");
string outFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir,"WMProfile_RemoveStreamExample.avi");
WMProfileManager manager = new WMProfileManager();
// create a WMProfile
convertctrl.WMProfile = CreateCustomProfile(manager);
// run the conversion
convertctrl.SourceFile = inFile;
convertctrl.TargetFormat = TargetFormatType.WMV;
convertctrl.TargetFile = outFile;
// dispose of the manager
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (convertctrl.State == ConvertState.Running)
// check the validity of the output file
MediaInfo mediaInfo = new MediaInfo();
mediaInfo.SourceFile = outFile;
if (mediaInfo.SourceFormat == SourceFormatType.WMV)
_result = true;
_result = false;
private WMProfile CreateCustomProfile(WMProfileManager manager)
WMProfile profile = manager.CreateEmptyProfile(WMT_Version.V9);
profile.Name = "Custom Profile";
profile.Description = "Custom Profile Description";
bool added = AddAudioStream(manager, profile, 1, CODEC_AUDIO_MSAUDIO, 8000, 8000, 1, true);
// add 5 video streams with bitrates starting from 32KB/s (256Kbps). Increase the bitrate if you increase the video size
for (int i = 0; (i <= 4); i++)
AddVideoStream(manager, profile, (2 + i), CODEC_VIDEO_WMV1,
(1024 * 32) + i * 1024, 400, 300, 5 * (i + 1), 0, 8);
// mark all the video streams for mutual exclusion
AddMutexObject(profile, 2, 5);
return profile;
private bool AddVideoStream(WMProfileManager manager,
WMProfile profile,
int streamnum,
long fourcc,
int bitrate,
int width,
int height,
int fps,
int quality,
int secperkey)
WMStreamConfig codecformat;
MediaType mediatype;
VideoInfoHeader vih;
bool candidate = false;
VideoInfoHeader candidatevih = new VideoInfoHeader();
MediaType candidatemt = null;
WMStreamConfig candidatestream = null;
bool added = false;
byte[] viharr = new byte[88];
int codecs = manager.GetCodecInfoCount(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video);
string sinfo = string.Empty;
// width and height must be even
if ((width & 1) != 0)
if ((height & 1) != 0)
// search for matching codec until I find a candidate
for (int codecindex = 0; codecindex < codecs && !candidate; codecindex++)
sinfo += manager.GetCodecName(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex);
int formats = manager.GetCodecFormatCount(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex);
for (int formatindex = 0; formatindex < formats; formatindex++)
sinfo += manager.GetCodecFormatDesc(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex, formatindex);
codecformat = manager.GetCodecFormat(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Video, codecindex, formatindex);
mediatype = codecformat.GetMediaType();
if (mediatype.FormatType == Constants.FORMAT_VideoInfo)
vih = mediatype.GetVideoFormatData();
if (vih.bmiHeader.biCompression == fourcc)
candidate = true;
candidatevih = vih;
candidatemt = mediatype;
candidatestream = codecformat;
// stop searching if I found a candidate
if (candidate)
// modify the selected codec to support this bitrate and size
candidatevih.dwBitRate = bitrate;
candidatevih.rcSource.Right = width;
candidatevih.rcSource.Bottom = height;
candidatevih.rcTarget.Right = width;
candidatevih.rcTarget.Bottom = height;
candidatevih.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
candidatevih.bmiHeader.biHeight = height;
// since fps is integer, 10000000/fps always fits in a 32-bit value, so lowpart=10000000/fps and high part is always 0
candidatevih.AvgTimePerFrame.lowpart = 10000000 / fps;
candidatevih.AvgTimePerFrame.highpart = 0;
StructToByteArray(candidatevih, ref viharr);
// candidatevih is a copy of the media type, so updating candidatevih is not enough to update the media type.
// Call SetVideoFormatData to copy the updated information from candidatevih to the video format data inside candidatemt
// If you just change candidatevih without calling candidatemt.SetVideoFormatData,
// candidatemt is an empty media type with no width and height
candidatemt.SetVideoFormatData(candidatevih, null, 0);
candidatestream.Quality = quality;
candidatestream.MaxKeyFrameSpacing = secperkey;
candidatestream.StreamNumber = streamnum;
candidatestream.StreamName = "Video Stream";
candidatestream.ConnectionName = "Video";
candidatestream.Bitrate = bitrate;
added = true;
return added;
private bool AddAudioStream(WMProfileManager manager,
WMProfile profile,
int streamnum,
int formattag,
int prefbitrate,
int samplespersec,
int channels,
bool withvideo)
WMStreamConfig codecformat;
MediaType mediatype;
WaveFormatEx wfex = new WaveFormatEx();
bool added = false;
bool candidate = false;
WaveFormatEx candidatewfex = new WaveFormatEx();
MediaType candidatemt = null;
MediaType mt;
WMStreamConfig stream;
int codecs = manager.GetCodecInfoCount(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio);
// search for matching codec
for (int codecindex = 0; codecindex < codecs; codecindex++)
int formats = manager.GetCodecFormatCount(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio, codecindex);
for (int formatindex = 0; formatindex < formats; formatindex++)
codecformat = manager.GetCodecFormat(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio, codecindex, formatindex);
mediatype = codecformat.GetMediaType();
if (mediatype.FormatType == Constants.FORMAT_WaveFormatEx)
ByteArrayToStruct(mediatype.Format, ref wfex);
int diff = ((wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec * 8) - prefbitrate);
if (diff < 250 && diff > -250
&& wfex.nSamplesPerSec == samplespersec
&& wfex.nChannels == channels
&& wfex.wFormatTag == formattag)
if (candidate)
if (withvideo)
// For audio/video configurations, we want to
// find the smaller blockalign. In this case,
// the blockalign is larger, so we want to
// use the old format.
if (wfex.nBlockAlign <= candidatewfex.nBlockAlign)
candidatewfex = wfex;
candidatemt = mediatype;
else if (wfex.nBlockAlign >= candidatewfex.nBlockAlign)
candidatewfex = wfex;
candidatemt = mediatype;
candidate = true;
candidatewfex = wfex;
candidatemt = mediatype;
if (candidate)
// modify the selected codec to support this bitrate and format
mt = new MediaType();
mt.Type = Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio;
mt.SubType = "{" + String.Format("{0:X8}", formattag) + "-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}";
mt.FixedSizeSamples = true;
mt.TemporalCompression = false;
mt.SampleSize = candidatewfex.nBlockAlign;
mt.FormatType = Constants.FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
mt.SetFormatData(-1, candidatemt.Format);
stream = profile.CreateNewStream(Constants.MEDIATYPE_Audio);
stream.StreamNumber = streamnum;
stream.StreamName = "Audio Stream";
stream.ConnectionName = "Audio";
stream.Bitrate = (candidatewfex.nAvgBytesPerSec * 8);
added = true;
return added;
private void StructToByteArray(object o, ref byte[] dest)
//convert the structure to a byte array
int rawSize = Marshal.SizeOf(o);
GCHandle handle = new GCHandle();
IntPtr buffer;
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(dest, GCHandleType.Pinned);
buffer = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
Marshal.StructureToPtr(o, buffer, false);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void ByteArrayToStruct(object buffer, ref WaveFormatEx vih)
GCHandle handle = new GCHandle();
//convert the structure to a byte array
handle = GCHandle.Alloc(buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr ptr = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
vih = (WaveFormatEx)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(WaveFormatEx));
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private bool AddMutexObject(WMProfile profile, int basestream, int streamcount)
WMMutualExclusion excl = profile.CreateNewMutualExclusion();
// indicate that the streams differ by bit rate
excl.Type = "{D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}";
for (int i = 0; i < streamcount; i++)
excl.AddStream(basestream + i);
// assign the exclusion object to the profile
return true;
private bool RemoveMutexObject(WMProfile profile, WMMutualExclusion excl, int basestream, int streamcount)
// indicate that the streams differ by bit rate
excl.Type = "{D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE}";
for (int i = 0; i < streamcount; i++)
excl.RemoveStream(basestream + i);
// remove the exclusion object from the profile
return true;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 19\Media";