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Leadtools.Pdf Assembly > Leadtools.Pdf Namespace > PDFFile Class : IsEncrypted Method |
This method checks if the PDF file has been encrypted and protected with a password. If this is the case, then you must create a PDFFile object (or set the Password property) to the correct file before you can use the other methods of this object.
To load PDF files, you generally perform this:
Call GetPDFFileType with pdfTypesOnly set to true and determine whether the return value is not PDFFileType.Unknown meaning a valid PDF file of any version.
Call IsEncrypted to determine whether the file is encrypted (password protected), if so, instruct the user for the password to use with this PDF file.
Finally construct a PDFFile object with the filename and password (if any) and call its methods.
For an example, refer to PDFFile.