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Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts Namespace : MagicWandRasterRegionData Class |
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="MagicWandRasterRegionData")] public class MagicWandRasterRegionData : RasterRegionData
'Declaration <DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="MagicWandRasterRegionData")> Public Class MagicWandRasterRegionData Inherits RasterRegionData
'Usage Dim instance As MagicWandRasterRegionData
[DataContractAttribute(Namespace="http://Leadtools.Services.Raster.DataContracts/2009/01", Name="MagicWandRasterRegionData")] public ref class MagicWandRasterRegionData : public RasterRegionData
For gray scale bitmaps:
The minimum channel tolerance value of lowerToleranceColor will be used to set the lower stopping point, and the value of upperToleranceColor will be used to set the upper stopping point. For example, if the value of the pixel at (x, y) is (125, 125, 125) and lowerToleranceColor is (20,30,15), the smallest value of the triplet (15) will be used to create the lower stopping point of (110,110,110). If upperToleranceColor is (10,25,20), the smallest value of that triplet (10) will be used to create the upper stopping point of (135,135,135).
To update an existing region, specify how the new region is to be combined with the existing one using the RasterRegionData.CombineMode parameter. For more information, refer to RasterRegionCombineMode.
Imports Leadtools.Services Imports leadtools.services.datacontracts._2009._01 Imports leadtools.services.raster.datacontracts._2009._01 Imports leadtools.services.raster.faultcontracts._2009._01 Imports leadtools.services.imageprocessing.datacontracts._2009._01 Public Sub MagicWandRasterRegionDataExample() Dim client As EffectsProcessingServiceClient = New EffectsProcessingServiceClient() Dim sourceBinaryData As RawBinaryData = New RawBinaryData() sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path & "image1.cmp") Dim convertOptions As RasterConvertOptions = New RasterConvertOptions() convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData convertOptions.Destination = Nothing convertOptions.Format = RasterImageFormat.Bmp convertOptions.FirstPage = 1 convertOptions.LastPage = 1 convertOptions.BitsPerPixel = 24 convertOptions.QualityFactor = 2 Dim region As MagicWandRasterRegionData = New MagicWandRasterRegionData() region.CombineMode = RasterRegionCombineMode.Set ' Specify a pixel in the upper left of the displayed image Dim pt As LeadPoint = New LeadPoint() pt.X = 100 pt.Y = 100 region.Location = pt ' Create a magic wand region at this point region.LowerToleranceColor = "#00141E96" region.UpperToleranceColor = "#000F1E0A" Dim request As SharpenRequest = New SharpenRequest() request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions request.RegionData = region request.Sharpness = 1000 Dim response As CommandResponse = client.Sharpen(request) If Not response.Destination Is Nothing Then File.WriteAllBytes(LeadtoolsExamples.Common.ImagesPath.Path & "MagicWandRasterRegionData.bmp", (TryCast(response.Destination, RawBinaryData)).Data) End If client.Close() End Sub
using Leadtools.Services; using leadtools.services.datacontracts._2009._01; using leadtools.services.raster.datacontracts._2009._01; using leadtools.services.raster.faultcontracts._2009._01; using leadtools.services.imageprocessing.datacontracts._2009._01; public void MagicWandRasterRegionDataExample() { EffectsProcessingServiceClient client = new EffectsProcessingServiceClient(); RawBinaryData sourceBinaryData = new RawBinaryData(); sourceBinaryData.Data = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir,"image1.cmp")); RasterConvertOptions convertOptions = new RasterConvertOptions(); convertOptions.Source = sourceBinaryData; convertOptions.Destination = null; convertOptions.Format = RasterImageFormat.Bmp; convertOptions.FirstPage = 1; convertOptions.LastPage = 1; convertOptions.BitsPerPixel = 24; convertOptions.QualityFactor = 2; MagicWandRasterRegionData region = new MagicWandRasterRegionData(); region.CombineMode = RasterRegionCombineMode.Set; // Specify a pixel in the upper left of the displayed image LeadPoint pt = new LeadPoint(); pt.X = 100; pt.Y = 100; region.Location = pt; // Create a magic wand region at this point region.LowerToleranceColor = "#00141E96"; region.UpperToleranceColor = "#000F1E0A"; SharpenRequest request = new SharpenRequest(); request.ConvertOptions = convertOptions; request.RegionData = region; request.Sharpness = 1000; CommandResponse response = client.Sharpen(request); if (response.Destination != null) { File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir,"MagicWandRasterRegionData.bmp"), (response.Destination as RawBinaryData).Data); } client.Close(); } static class LEAD_VARS { public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images"; }