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LEADTOOLS Svg (Leadtools.Svg assembly)

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SvgElementType Enumeration

SVG element types
public enum SvgElementType : System.Enum 
Public Enum SvgElementType 
   Inherits System.Enum
Dim instance As SvgElementType
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTSvgElementType)
public enum SvgElementType
public enum class SvgElementType : public System.Enum 
0Unknown Unknown element that does not belong to the SVG standard
1Doc <doc> element
2Svg <svg> element
3G <g> element
4Defs <defs> element
5Desc <desc> element
6Title <title> element
7Symbol <symbol> element
8Use <use> element
9Image <image> element
10Switch <switch> element
11Style <style> element
12Path <path> element
13Rect <rect> element
14Circle <circle> element
15Ellipse <ellipse> element
16Line <line> element
17Polyline <polyline> element
18Polygon <polygon> element
19Text <text> element
20TSpan <tspan> element
21TRef <tref> element
22TextPath <textpath> element
23AltGlyph <altglyph> element
24AltGlyphDef <altglyphdef> element
25AltGlyphItem <altglyphitem> element
26GlyphRef <glyphref> element
27Marker <marker> element
28ColorProfile <colorprofile> element
29LinearGradient <lineargradient> element
30RadialGradient <radialgradient> element
31Stop <stop> element
32Pattern <pattern> element
33ClipPath <clippath> element
34Font <font> element
35Glyph <glyph> element
36MissingGlyph <missingglyph> element
37HKern <hkern> element
38VKern <vkern> element
39FontFace <fontface> element
40FontFaceSrc <fontfacesrc> element
41FontFaceUri <fontfaceuri> element
42FontFaceFormat <fontfaceformat> element
43FontFaceName <fontfacename> element
44DefinitionSrc <definitionsrc> element
45Anchor <anchor> element

For more information, refer to

Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Svg Namespace

Error processing SSI file
  Leadtools.Svg requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: LEADTOOLS Toolkit Features